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Kyle Griffith
 Copyright 1988, 2006 by the authorThis virtual copy of 
is based on the Second Printing, issued in the fall of 1990 bySpiritual Revolution Press. It was prepared from a digital scan of the original, whichwas photocopied on 8-1/2 by 11 sheets and spiral bound.It is intended for free downloading by anyone who is interested in the ideas it contains.Note: repaginated PDF version, 17 Sept 2006
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War in Heaven
introduces a completely new and revolutionary conception of thenature of spiritual reality. The material in it was dictated to me by automatic writing,but
contains more explicit, detailed spiritual information than most modernchanneled books and it is much more militant and controversial in tone. Some readersof the pre-publication edition of 
War in Heaven
were disturbed or frightened by it, anda few attacked the book as evil and satanic. However, a larger number of readershailed it as a major breakthrough in cosmological theory.
War in Heaven
is not a typical New Age channeled book, and I am not a typicalNew Ager, though I helped to found that movement in the Sixties and Seventies. Iwas raised as a traditional occultist, and my primary goal in life has always been todevelop my skills as a psychic and magician. However, I also possess past-lifememories that have caused me to develop into a very different kind of occultist frommy relatives who were Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Spiritualists, or Theosophists.I have been aware since 1946, when I was four years old, that my soul wasdeliberately sent to this planet by an advanced extra-terrestrial civilization to assistEarth people in dealing with a major crisis in their spiritual evolution. For this reason,I’ve studied UFOs and related subjects as seriously as I’ve studied psychic andspiritual phenomena, and the relationship between the two has always been obvious tome.The same applies to conspiracy theories – I have known all my life that unseenforces really do manipulate the course of human history, and my response has not beenfear or anger, but rather a desire to help any of these agencies whose ethical andpolitical goals seem similar to mine. I’ve been a left-wing anarchist and a member of the counterculture since the late Fifties, and I’ve grown more politically and sociallyradical with age. In the late Sixties, my spirit guides suggested that I call myself aSpiritual Revolutionary, and I’ve been doing so ever since.However, I didn’t become fully conscious of what the term meant until 1983,when I made a breakthrough in personal awareness about spiritual reality. In July of that year, after several years of intensive magical and intellectual preparation, I askedmy spirit guides: “Tell me the Great Secret, the theory that explains the true nature of gods and human beings and the relationship between them.” The reply that I receivedby automatic writing didn’t surprise me, but I was absolutely astonished by it just thesame. The spirits seemed to be trying to dictate a completely new and revolutionarycosmology: a view of spiritual reality with moral, social, and political implicationsthat most people would consider literally unthinkable.I eventually became able to record the messages in clear and explicit English. Ittook me over five years, and thousands of hours of grueling labor, to receive all thespirit-dictated information for
War in Heaven
and write it into a book. The review onthe next page will give you an idea of what
is about and why I am advertising itas “The most controversial channeled book of the century.”
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Mike Rhyner review
 Here is an excerpt from Mike Rhyner’s review of 
War in Heaven
in theFebruary 1989 issue of 
War in Heaven
is based on messages channeled from a group of extraterrestrialdisembodied spirits who call themselves the Invisible College. They say that yoursoul is nourished on psychic energy generated during life, and when you ‘die,’ it livesoff the energy stored up during embodiment. There are also spiritual beings that theInvisible College calls the Theocrats, the ‘bad guys,’ who do not reincarnate butinstead get the energy needed to sustain their souls by sucking the energy from othersouls: psychic vampirism and spiritual cannibalism.“The Theocrats are the creators of certain forms of organized religion, whichclaim that you will have eternal life in Heaven when you pass over. They create anillusion of this Heaven in your mind by posing as gods, meanwhile giving you theafter-death state that you expect, whether it is a Heaven or Hell or an eternal orgy. Forinstance, if you expect to go to ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Heaven’ and worship at the feet of ElvisPresley or Jimi Hendrix, they will create this illusion for you. However, there aretechniques you can use to avoid Theocratic entanglement after death, which aredescribed in
War in Heaven
.“Before I read
War in Heaven
, the more I studied various spiritual systems, themore disillusioned I became. My main paths had been Theosophy and its descendants,and the study of channeled messages of all kinds, particularly those from ‘AscendedMasters’ and ‘Space Brothers’. Each book I read in these fields claimed to teach thework of highly evolved beings, yet each contained glaring contradictions of the others.Then I read
War in Heaven
and found out why these contradictions occur – the authorsdon’t have an adequate theoretical frame of reference to correctly interpret themessages they channel, even though much of the raw information is perfectly valid.
War in Heaven
contains a revolutionary yet completely logical cosmologywhich provides such a frame of reference, and has answered questions that couldn’t beanswered by any other spiritual system that I studied. Reading it did cause morequestions to crop up in my mind, but most of them are answered by the time I finishedthe book. The author says that the purpose of 
War in Heaven
is to help readers make amajor ‘Breakthrough in Consciousness,’ and after reading it, I know what he means.It may well be the most important book ever published.”
Colin Wilson comment:
 The following is from a letter by Colin Wilson, dated 2/15/89:
War in Heaven
arrived while I was in California last year, and when I got back,I had so many letters to write that I didn’t have a chance to read it properly. I have just done so and find it an absolutely absorbing and fascinating piece of work. If I had
- 4 -received it fifteen years ago, not long after I’d written
The Occult 
, I would havethought that it was all wildly imaginative. But since then, I have learned a great dealmore about this whole field of the paranormal, and a lot of what you say seems to meto make a great deal of sense. Anyway, very many thanks indeed for your kindness insending me this extraordinary piece of work.”
 Jay Kinney review:
 And here is an excerpt from a review by Jay Kinney that was included in thePreface of the first printing of 
in 1988. It originally appeared in
#6, andwas written about the pre-publication edition of the book, which was circulated in1987 under the title of 
Spiritual Revolution
, but it describes
War in Heaven
equallywell.“This self-published book is among the most fascinating, and most troubling,books I’ve read in some time. It is fascinating because it consists of channeled (i.e.automatically written) material that is not only clear and pointed but also flies in theface almost all other channeled teachings. And it’s troubling because to take
Spiritual Revolution
) seriously entails entering into a topsy-turvy worldview that most of uswould normally consider to be highly paranoid.“Briefly put, the material in
claims to emanate from a group of disembodiedspirits informally called the ‘Invisible College.’ As one might guess from its name,this group says it was the force behind the development of groups such as theFreemasons and Rosicrucians. More surprising, however, is its claim to also haveinfluenced the rise of the civil rights movement, the spread of LSD, the anti-warmovement, and even rock’n’roll. So far so good: if this were all, one could peg the‘Invisible College’ as the hippest bunch of inner plane guides around, whisperingbright ideas in the ears of the unsuspecting. However, there’s more.“The group is apparently engaged in a ongoing struggle against anotherpowerful conglomeration of inner plane spirits it calls ‘the Theocrats’. These typesare apparently the ones behind most world religions, and, in fact, hang aroundchurches and other places of worship soaking up the psychic energy that devoutbelievers beam their way in prayer. These fiends are fond of meeting the newlydeceased as they reach ‘the other side’ and ushering them into an illusory Heavenwhere their souls are gobbled up by the top Theocrats. In other words, according to
, spiritual traditions, which teach love of God, and ultimately, union with the divine,are really scams run by the inner plane Theocrats to rip off psychic energy and souls.
spells all this out in far more detail than I have space for here.“Considering that most channeled messages sound like their spirit authors havebeen cribbing from each others’ notes,
’s revelations about a “War in Heaven”stand out as decidedly unique…
Spiritual Revolution
is a startling book that makes onere-examine all of one’s spiritual assumptions… Considering that SR’s thesis undercutsthe spiritual moorings of world civilization, there ought to be some heated discussionsto come.
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Forward.....................................................................................................2Reviews and Comments ..........................................................................3Part One: A Breakthrough in Spiritual ConsciousnessChapter 1: The Search for Spiritual Reality....................................6Chapter 2: The Shaver Mystery ...................................................13Chapter 3: Conspiracies................................................................19Chapter 4: The Sixties...................................................................26Chapter 5: Religions and Revolution............................................33Chapter 6: Passport to Paranoia ...................................................40Chapter 7: The Invisible War .......................................................48Chapter 8: The Breaking Point ....................................................54Chapter 9: The Breakthrough ..................................................... 62Part Two: TheocracyChapter 10: The Theocrats .......................................................... 68Chapter 11: Theocratic Bands ..................................................... 74Chapter 12: Religious Mind Control ........................................... 80Chapter 13: Soul, Mind, and Consciousness ...............................85Chapter 14: Electronic Mind Control ..........................................91Chapter 15: The History of Theocracy ........................................96Chapter 16: The Invisible College ............................................ 102Chapter 17: Satan and Buddha .................................................. 108Chapter 18: The Age of Reason ................................................ 117Chapter 19: A Revolution in Consciousness ............................ 124Chapter 20: The Aquarian Age ..................................................129Part Three: The Second BreakthroughChapter 21: Hitch Hiking Spirits ...............................................133Chapter 22: Elementals ............................................................. 140Chapter 23: Gods .......................................................................146Chapter 24: The Fifth Stage of Theocracy ................................ 152Chapter 25: The Technology War ............................................. 159Chapter 26: The Last Days ....................................................... 165Part Four: The Spiritual RevolutionChapter 27: Toward a General Breakthrough ........................... 171Chapter 28: The Spiritual Revolutionary Movement ................ 176Chapter 29: Spiritual Politics Today ..........................................182Chapter 30: The End and The Beginning ..................................188Appendix A: Summary – A Revolutionary Cosmology ..................... 192Appendix B: A Symbol for the Spiritual Revolutionary Movement....194Appendix C: Summary ........................................................................195
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Part One: A Breakthrough in Spiritual Revolution
Chapter 1: The Search for Spiritual Reality
 Part One is called “A Breakthrough in Spiritual Consciousness” because itsummarizes the evolution of my personal beliefs about the nature of spiritual realityover a period of about twenty years, from the Sixties up until 1983, when I made thebreakthrough that allowed me to receive and understand the channeled messagespresented in Parts Two and Three of 
War in Heaven
. I made this breakthrough not bylearning facts about spiritual phenomena on the intellectual level, but by achieving astate of awareness and open-mindedness that enabled me to receive what my spiritguides were actually trying to communicate to me, rather than what my prejudiced andbrainwashed conscious mind wanted to hear.It may be difficult for the majority of people who read this book to identify withthe viewpoint from which I’m writing it. My psychic experiences, beginning with myearliest memories from childhood, are just as real and important to me as myexperiences in the physical world. I’ve been reading minds, communicating withspiritual beings, and practicing psychic healing literally all my life. I believe in thesethings on exactly the same level as I believe in my ability to speak the Englishlanguage, so it’s not easy for me to communicate with people who do not instinctivelyrealize that such things are real.Whenever I can, I give accounts of my personal psychic experiences to explainwhy I formed particular spiritual beliefs. Some readers of the preliminary version of this book, published in 1987 under the title of 
Spiritual Revolution
, dismissed thesenarratives as “lies and garbage.” Others said things like “It has the ring of truth to it,even though it contradicts almost every other spiritual book I’ve ever read.” You’ll just to have to make up your own mind. All I’ll say at this point is that
War in Heaven
 contains no deliberate lies, and I’m neither smart enough nor crazy enough to havehallucinated it all.I also want to make it clear that I really don’t care if readers say they accept orreject the theories in this book. My purpose is not to gain followers for a narrowideology, but to assist certain people in making the same breakthrough I made If youare one of these people, you may not even know it until long after you’ve finished thebook and the ideas in it have penetrated deep into your subconscious.However, I will also offer evidence to convince the reader’s conscious intellectthat what I’m saying is scientifically true, whenever I can do so without interferingwith my primary purpose, which is to present an extremely complex and revolutionarytheory about spirituality. Let me start by explaining why I believe that there issufficient empirical evidence to convince any truly open-minded person that telepathy,spirit-communication, reincarnation, and many other psychic and spiritual phenomenaactually exist. Colin Wilson, one of the most rational and pragmatic of the twentieth-century philosophers, has come to a similar conclusion, as shown by the followingexcerpt from his book 
The Occult 
- 7 -“It was not until two years ago, when I began the systematicresearch for this book, that I realized the remarkable consistency of theevidence for such matters as life after death, out-of-the-bodyexperiences (astral projection), reincarnation. In a basic sense, myattitude remains unchanged; I still regard philosophy – the pursuit of reality through intuition aided by intellect – as being more relevant,more important, than questions of “the occult.” But the weighing of theevidence, in this unsympathetic frame of mind, has convinced me thatthe basic claims of “occultism” are true. It seems to me that the realityof life after death has been established beyond all reasonable doubt. Isympathize with the philosophers and scientists who regard it asemotional nonsense, because I am temperamentally on their side; but Ithink they are closing their eyes to evidence that would convince themif it concerned the mating habits of albino rats or the behavior of alphaparticles.”Let’s use the evidence in support of reincarnation as a starting point. There arethousands of past-life memory cases on record, described in hundreds of differentbooks. Some of them are undoubtedly hoaxes or have explanations other thanreincarnation, but many more seem to have been proven valid with physical evidence.For example, young children have demonstrated the ability to speak a foreignlanguage that their parents are sure they have never even heard in their presentlifetime. Other subjects traveled to places where they said they had lived during aprevious life, described objects they had hidden, and then found them.Colin Wilson’s The
Case for Reincarnation
(1987) presents an impressiveamount of this type of evidence, and Reincarnation: A
New Horizon in Science, Religion, and Society
(1984), edited by Sylvia Cranston and Carey Williams, presentseven more. In my opinion, these two books, all by themselves, contain sufficientempirical evidence to prove the validity of reincarnation beyond reasonable doubt toanyone with a truly open mind. On the basis of this kind of published evidence alone,and leaving my personal past-life memories out of it, I am as ready to argue withanyone who denies that reincarnation is a scientifically proven fact as I am to disputean assertion that the Sun revolves around the Earth.Although I’ve never talked to anyone who was able to verify his or her past-lifememories with hard physical evidence comparable to that described in the books, myconversations on this subject with hundreds of different people have still yielded somevaluable information. I’ve talked to dozens whose past-life memory accounts seemhistorically accurate. Without exception, these people said they had lived before in thequite recent past, and had possessed conscious control over their psychic abilities.Some said they had been American Indians with shamanic training; several had beenHindus skilled in Yoga; and others recounted past lives as Chinese or Japanesestudents of the martial arts. The majority, however, had been ordinary Americanswith low-level occult training in the Rosicrucians, the Theosophists, the Spiritualistmovement, etc.The more I talked to some of these people, the more evidence I found that theirpast-life memories were genuine. They had learned difficult mechanical skills,
- 8 -complicated intellectual knowledge, or even a whole foreign language, with an easethat mystified their teachers. Some of them also reported being criticized by theirinstructors for instinctively doing things in a manner that is now considered obsolete,but was standard practice fifty or seventy years ago. No single case of this type isconclusive proof of reincarnation by itself, but hearing dozens of such accounts face-to-face is very impressive.I also once had a psychic experience that I feel is excellent first-hand evidencefor reincarnation. It is especially valuable because it does not involve past-lifememories like most of the other evidence, but direct psychic observation of thereincarnation process. Here is how I described it to one of my correspondents:“I’ll tell you why I personally believe in reincarnation absolutelyand completely. I have ‘seen’ it happen. I have stood by the crib of anewborn baby and psychically observed high-level spirit guidesapproach and assist a soul in entering the infant’s body. Before, I gotthe same vibes I get from an ape in the zoo, after, the vibes of a humanbaby. It was a very clear-cut psychic experience, and similar to a morecommon, but sadder, experience you may have had yourselves: being atthe bedside of a dying person and psychically perceiving the souldepart from the body. That’s the
reason I believe in reincarnationso strongly, and all the inferential evidence in books is pale beside it.”Ironically, my own past-life memories aren’t of much use in providing proof of reincarnation. They are extremely vivid and occur to me frequently, both in dreamsand as flashes of memory when I’m awake; but there is no way to verify them withfactual evidence, because they are not memories of a past life on Earth. The people inthem, including me, are slightly different anatomically from Earth people, and thesetting seems to be an advanced technological society much different from anythingI’ve ever seen described in science fiction.The general impression is that the society lives underground or on a spacestation of some kind, not on the surface of a planet. The people seem to live entirelyindoors in an endless series of inter-connecting rooms, and the “doors” connectingthem may be teleportation devices. There are almost no artifacts of any kind visible inmost of the scenes, not even furniture: people just sit or recline in mid-air. Maybe it’sdone with anti-gravity devices. All of the machines seem to be hidden away, and thereare no physical control panels. Apparently, everyone is hooked up telepathically to anelaborate computer system, and people operate the equipment just by thinking.However, when someone does this, images of machines and control panels seem toappear in mid-air.I still have vivid memories of dreaming about such things when I was only threeor four years old. When I put the childish picture-memories and emotions into adultwords, they go something like this: “I dreamed that I was turning into a machine. No,not a mechanical man. I was part of a big machine, like a factory, and it kept gettingbigger and bigger, and I knew I was supposed to control it with my thoughts, but I justdidn’t know the right things to think.” These flashes of memory have been veryimportant to me all of my life, because they often contain instructions for controlling
- 9 -and using my psychic powers or other mental faculties that I have trouble accessingwith my conscious mind alone. They are probably the single most significant factorthat helped prepare me for the breakthrough in spiritual consciousness that led to thewriting of this book.I’ve talked to a number of people who also seem to remember past lives on otherworlds, and read books on the subject by Brad Steiger, Ruth Montgomery, and others.Here’s what George C. Andrews had to say about it in
 Extra-Terrestrials Among Us
 (1986):“The concept of reincarnation implies a latent ability to regress back to former lives,and thus to restore the long-dormant far memory of experience and informationaccumulated during previous incarnations to conscious awareness. A substantialnumber of those who have worked on activating this latent ability find that their pastlives include incarnations as extra-terrestrials. This occurs so persistently that it hasbecome a commonly accepted belief among those engaged in such work that extra-terrestrials from many different points of origin have incarnated on Earth during thiscrucial all-or-nothing climax of human history. Some of those who rememberprevious existences as extraterrestrials also become aware of specific missions theywere born to carry out during the present terrestrial incarnation.”Here’s a summary of my beliefs about reincarnation prior to my breakthrough in 1983.First, most of the well-documented, really plausible past-life memory accounts seemto involve a previous life that ended fifty years or less before the person’s presentincarnation. Some people claim they have lived dozens or hundreds of lives overmany centuries; but I’ve never seen an account of this type that contained solidsupporting evidence, such as intimate knowledge of the language spoken during thepast life. My conclusion from the available evidence about reincarnation was thatvery few people remember more than the last of their past lives in enough detail to beuseful, and that spirits don’t stay on the astral plane for more than a few decadesbetween earthly lives.Second, the evidence also suggested that only people who were practicingpsychics in their last incarnation seem to have vivid, conscious past-life memories inthis one. Practically every well-documented account of a past life that I’ve seenincludes descriptions of conscious psychic activity: telepathy, mediumship, propheticvisions, faith healing, divination, etc. The psychic activities may have been the resultof deliberate training, or they may have been spontaneous, but they are always there.Third, reincarnation may not be as common as most reincarnationists assume.The Eastern religions teach that all human beings reincarnate after death except a fewof the most spiritually advanced, which pass to a higher plane of existence. MostWesterners who believe in reincarnation at all have also accepted the idea that it is auniversal phenomenon.In fact, I used to believe this idea myself, and sometimes used it in argumentswith Christians. They would say, “You only live once, and then you are judged andconsigned to Heaven or Hell for eternity.” I would reply, “No, we all live over andover again through reincarnation. When the soul reaches a high enough state of development, it may pass to a higher plane, but everyone else just keeps living life
- 10 -after life on Earth. This is a lot fairer than the system you’re describing, becausepeople always get a second chance.”However, the more I learned about reincarnation as described in the strongestpast-life memory accounts, the less I came to believe that everybody who diesreincarnates. The only thing the evidence demonstrates clearly is that a few people,probably less than one percent of the population, remember a past life well enough toprove it. Many more, maybe a tenth to a quarter of the population, have subconsciouspast-life memories that can be accessed by hypnotic regression or other techniques.Some New Agers claim that everybody can learn to remember past lives, but I’venever felt they even come close to proving it.In the last few years before I made my breakthrough, I admitted to myself thatthe available evidence wasn’t adequate to determine what percentage of the populationreincarnates or what happens to the souls of people who don’t. I did sometimesspeculate that having conscious control over their psychic powers might help peoplereincarnate, but I found this line of reasoning distasteful. In the absence of realevidence, it seemed elitist and self-serving, so I didn’t pursue it. However, having anopen mind on the subject prepared me to accept the truth when my spirit guides finallytold it to me.Whether reincarnation is common or rare, accepting that it exists at all obligesone to start looking for information about the soul, the entity that transfers from onebody to another to carry the past-life memories. Like the nineteenth-centurySpiritualists and many other occultists, I postulated that the soul is composed of specialized forms of matter and energy presently unknown to physical science. Thishypothesis is quite vague, of course; but it lays a foundation for finding out moreabout the nature of the soul by scientific methods of investigation.I will next discuss the evidence that some disembodied human souls are activeand conscious on the astral plane and can communicate with the living by telepathy.There is even more evidence available in published literature to support thishypothesis than there is to support reincarnation. The organized Spiritualistmovement of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries produced enough spirit-dictated books to fill a small library, and the modern Channeling movement isgenerating still more. I admit that some of these are either conscious hoaxes orcreations of the author’s own imagination, but I am convinced that many are genuinecommunications from spirits.Because it’s difficult to tell genuine channeled books from fakes and products of self-delusion, I recommend works based on scientific investigations of Spiritualist andChanneling movements. Such investigations often employ methods similar to thoseused by the reincarnation researchers mentioned earlier. For example, a medium willobtain information from the spirit of a deceased person that no living person couldknow, and the investigator will try to verify it with empirical evidence. Most publiclibraries contain a few books of this type, and I’ve read several hundred that eachcontain sufficient evidence to prove that the dead survive and communicate with theliving.
- 11 -Cases where the spirit of a murder victim has passed enough information to amedium to identify and convict the killer are actually quite common. This informationoften includes detailed instructions for locating physical evidence: weapons, clothing,and especially the body itself. Dozens of such cases are reported in the newspapersevery year, and hundreds more are known within the occult community but kept quiet.This is especially true in small towns and rural areas, where psychics routinely helpthe police solve crimes, and the cops quietly defend them from persecution byreligious fanatics. This fragile relationship depends on secrecy, so stories withheadlines like “Psychic Locates Murder Weapon” don’t appear in the papers ascommonly as they should.If you start looking for cases like these in books, magazines, or newspaper files,you’ll find the evidence extremely impressive. The same applies to cases wherespirits told mediums the sites of treasures buried by deceased people, hidden wills andother papers, etc. I feel there is sufficient evidence in any large library or bookstore toconvince anyone who’s reasonably unbiased of the reality of contact between theliving and the spirits of the dead.If you do start reading to find such evidence, here’s something else to look for atthe same time. The spirits who pass information to mediums about events thathappened while they were alive very often seem so senile, childish, paranoid, orotherwise in distress, that it is difficult and painful for the medium to communicatewith them. The authors of mediumistic literature often don’t emphasize these negativedetails, but they are there if you look for them.Since the nineteenth century, Spiritualists and other occultists who practicemediumship have deliberately concealed a lot of important information about the spiritworld when they write accounts of their communications with the dead. This is donewith the best of motives: to keep from frightening the public, and to avoid givingsupport to Fundamentalist charges that mediumship involves contact with demonicforces. Most of the literature still gives the reader a misleading impression of what it’sactually like to receive messages from the spirit world at a séance, by automaticwriting, or through mechanical aids such as Ouija boards.Did you ever wonder why practically all mediums communicate with themajority of spirits indirectly? Both the old-fashioned Spiritualist mediums and theNew Age channeling mediums have spirit guides who assist them in finding andcommunicating with other spirits, but very few are willing to tell you bluntly why theyhave to operate this way. The reason is very simple: most spirits on the astral planeare in mental states that we’d label as insane or feeble-minded in a living person.They mumble in baby talk or rave like schizophrenics. Their thoughts ramble and getlost in time like those of a person with Alzheimer’s disease. They contradictthemselves as if their memories had been scrambled up with the contents of someoneelse’s mind. And above all, they act sick, drunk, or drugged. Some say they are insevere pain; others are frightened; still others are calm, but it’s the sickly calm of aperson who has taken a heavy dose of morphine or Thorazine.If you’ve experimented with Ouija boards, there’s an excellent chance you’vespoken to spirits in this condition. And though the mediumistic literature does
- 12 -mention frequent contacts with “lost souls,” “earthbound spirits, “entities from thelower astral,” etc., it rarely describes them in detail or reveals that the vast majority of spirits the mediums contact are in this category. The plain truth is that if you’re goingto accomplish anything at all as a medium, you have to work through a spirit guide.A spirit guide is simply a spirit on the astral plane with sufficient mentalstability and psychic powers to communicate easily with a particular medium, andwho is willing to form a personal relationship. Another thing to look for between thelines of the literature: this relationship is often overtly sexual. A medium’s spiritguide often receives some of the energy raised during physical sexual activity. Onlythe Eastern Tantric magicians and Western students of sex magic write and talk openlyabout this, but almost all mediums practice it.Explanations of exactly what all this means will be given in Part Two. The restof Part One will describe other knowledge I had to learn before I could make thebreakthrough.
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Chapter 2: The Shaver Mystery
 I’ve been involved in the movement investigating UFOs and other unexplainedphenomena since I was a teenager back in the Fifties, but from the viewpoint of anoccultist, not that of a materialist. For example, I’ve always felt that most of theevidence concerning visits to Earth by ancient astronauts can be accounted for bypostulating telepathic contact with beings from advanced extraterrestrial societies, andthat many close encounters with UFOs involve psychic contact with spiritual beings.In the Fifties and Sixties, the occultists in the movement were regarded ascredulous and unscientific for putting a psychic and spiritual interpretation on much of the evidence; but as the years have passed, more and more investigators of unexplained phenomena have begun to draw similar conclusions from the availabledata. However, I myself have always remained part of the “lunatic fringe,” becausemy favorite theory in the whole field is the Shaver Mystery, which has never gainedrespectability. Even today, almost everyone in the Ufology and occult communitiestreats people who believe in it as fools or paranoids. I am neither, but I still take itvery seriously, because many of the details in Shaver’s writings match my dreams andvisions of what seem to be past lives on other worlds.During World War Two, Ray Palmer, editor of the science-fiction magazine
 Amazing Stories
, received several short novels from an amateur writer named RichardS. Shaver. The stories were rather poorly written, but the idea content so impressedPalmer that he and various ghostwriters polished them up for publication.When the Shaver stories started appearing in
, the magazine’scirculation increased dramatically; some versions of the story say it doubled or tripled.Shaver’s writing was a highly complex and imaginative new treatment of a theme thathad long been common in science fiction: the concept that we share this planet withthe descendants of ancient astronauts who always remain hidden from us, but who usetheir advanced scientific technology to manipulate us.Because most of Shaver’s literary output – millions of words over more thantwenty years – was chaotically organized and was rewritten by many different handsto make it suitable for publication, very few people today have an over-allunderstanding of his cosmology. Many occult and unexplained phenomena writershave borrowed from it, usually without identifying it as their source, but no one hasyet bothered to publish a coherent synopsis of Shaver’s theories in any detail.Here is a brief summary. Thousands of years ago, extraterrestrial space travelersvisited Earth and established huge underground colonies here. They couldn’t live onthe surface because solar radiation shortened their lifespan, which was normallymeasured in centuries. Eventually, the civilization that had planted the coloniesbecame moribund, and contact with the parent worlds became less and less frequent.Because the underground colonies were cut off from outside supplies, some of thecolonists were forced to live permanently on the surface to grow food and obtain theraw materials necessary to sustain life in the underground cities.
- 14 -Over a long period of time, the “detrimental radiation” of the sun caused theminds of the surface dwellers to degenerate, and eventually they reverted to completebarbarism. However, they did retain enough intelligence to start progressing again,finally achieving human civilization as we read about it in our history books.During this whole period, the many inhabitants of the underground colonies,which Shaver simply calls “Caves,” survived and retained a significant amount of theoriginal knowledge and technology. However, the population of Cave dwellersgradually decreased because of constant shortages of supplies from the surface. Afterthe surface people forgot completely about the origin and nature of the undergroundcities, the Cave dwellers started posing as gods and other supernatural beings to coercesurface people into providing them food and other necessities. The Cave peoplepossess machines for generating “Rays” that give them certain kinds of power oversurface dwellers.Some types of Rays can kill or wound people, but others can be used to healsickness or injury or to slow down the aging process. The Rays can also be used fortelepathic communication and to control the thoughts and emotions of others at adistance. They seem to be most effective at close range, but some are powerfulenough to have a significant effect on surface people.The Cave dwellers have used their Ray technology to manipulate surface societythroughout history, especially to obtain food and other supplies without the majority of people on Earth being aware of it. A few surface people were in on the plot and actedas agents of the Cave dwellers; these included members of such diverse groups aspolitical rulers, religious leaders, wealthy merchants and traders, smugglers, andpirates.However, the population in the Caves has decreased steadily over the agesbecause of continual shortages of raw materials. Shaver described the currentsituation in the underground cities as grim and desperate, with the political and socialstructure in almost complete collapse. Starvation and cannibalism are commonplace,and many of the inhabitants have turned themselves into literal monsters throughimproper use of the Rays. These “Deros” have become insane tyrants, and most havedeformed their bodies as well, by trying to use the life prolonging Rays to achievephysical immortality. Because “detrimental radiation from the Sun penetrates eveninto the Caves”, and because many of the Ray machines themselves have deterioratedthrough ages of constant use and makeshift repairs, the Deros resemble the living deadof legend. The Rays alone aren’t enough: to survive, they also have to eat humanflesh like ghouls, and drink human blood like vampires.However, some of the Cave dwellers are still normal: they call themselves“Teros,” and often use their Rays to help people on the surface, especially to combatthe evil being done by the Deros. However, they aren’t militarily strong enough toconquer and destroy the Deros, and the only reason they survive at all is that theysometimes receive help from extraterrestrials who arrive in spaceships.Unfortunately, these modern space travelers are also incapable of defeating theDeros. According to Shaver, they’ve been trying for centuries to get somegovernment or other elsewhere in the galaxy to “send in the Marines and clean up
- 15 -Earth,” but so far it hasn’t happened. Earth is just one small planet in a remotebackwater of the universe, and no advanced interstellar civilization has bothered tocome here and fight a war to liberate us from the Deros.Some of Shaver’s stories assert that such civilizations still exist, and that “helpfrom the stars” might arrive at any time. Others are pessimistic and say they all felllong ago. The stories saying that some worlds have retained sufficient technology topermit interstellar travel also make it plain that such cultures are degenerate remnantsof once-great civilizations, now fallen into decay. In either case, the Teros fight on,barely holding their own. They use their Rays to communicate with people likeShaver, hoping that eventually civilization on the surface will develop technologicallyto the point where we will be able to help them defeat the Deros, but they make it clearthis point is far in the future.The Deros lack the technical knowledge necessary to keep their Ray machines ingood repair, so they are no longer able to keep political control of surface society orprevent technological progress. However, the machines they have inherited fromancient times are still far too advanced for our present scientists to duplicate, and theycontinue to have a great deal of power to manipulate both surface society as a wholeand the minds of individuals.Here is a sample of Shaver’s actual writing: an excerpt from
, a two-hundred-thousand word novel, serialized in 1947 and ‘48 in his own mimeographedpublication,
Shaver Mystery Magazine
. As far as I know, this was not edited orrevised by anyone else.“To all you young idealists there will come a time when all those things you think of Life with your bright, trusting and believing eyes will become dust and slime. A timewhen you will understand the terrible and stupid horror that life may be, in reality.“To each of you will come at last an apparition, wearing like Scrooge, his chains, amask of terror that hides a deep basic stupidity – a dumbness that is deeper thanhuman...“They have life, those things, just as you have life: but they are not understood and areso terribly feared that men will neither speak of them or write of them openly...“Always, I too, feared the evil ones, the ignorant, degenerate and cannibalistic raypeople who catch and kill us when they can. But they did not catch many of us, for wehad some old ray women from the Deep Schools with us, and we were not easy tocatch...“We need men like you to aid us in our constant struggle with the living devils thatinhabit much of these underground warrens. But when we try to approach men forthis purpose, they fear the whole thing as madness or ghosts or whatever they havebeen taught...“Almost immediately upon the visi-screen a scene of utter horror became visible... Itwas a Hell, with its Devils at work... ‘Do you see them, those things that should notlive?’“I looked in horror upon the things that moved as men move upon the screen of life.They were a thing that could not possibly live except for the protection of the hiddencaverns, and the support of the great beneficial rays keeping their degenerate and evilcarcasses in motion.
- 16 -“Dead they must have been but for the supply of super-energy which the ancientgenerators poured through their bodies forever. These evil people must live on longafter they would normally die, to become as undead as they were. It seems to be thisfact that contributes to their evil nature, for the slow decay of their brains is energizedby the synthetic electric life-force, and their resultant thought is but the reflection of life upon the stagnating brain tissues...”As Shaver describes it, only a few people on the surface know about the Caves at all,and they are mostly agents of the Deros. Some are conscious, willing agents seekingwealth and power; others are mere slaves, whose minds are completely controlled bythe Deros’ Rays. The only surface people who know the whole truth about the“Hidden World” and are willing to fight the Deros instead of collaborating with themare Shaver and a few of his friends.When presented as fiction, these ideas aroused only mild interest among the readers of 
 Amazing Stories
. However, when Palmer printed letters from Shaver and variousreaders stating that the theories expounded in the Mystery were literally true, theShaver Mystery started receiving major attention from the science-fiction community,almost all of it unfavorable. However, the publicity attracted large numbers of newreaders: probably the same people who supported the UFO movement, which started afew years later. The increased circulation did not prevent the publishers of 
 from firing Palmer after he admitted that he himself accepted the Mystery as fact.They felt that the long-term success of their magazine depended on support frompeople who read science fiction regularly, a group that reacted very negatively toclaims that the Shaver Mystery was true.Shaver continued to get his work into print by publishing his own amateur magazine,and quickly attracted what would now be called a “cult following.” After Palmer wasfired from
, he went into business for himself, publishing books andmagazines in the unexplained-phenomena and occult fields. His magazines included
Flying Saucers
, and
, which gave some coverage to the ShaverMystery, and
The Hidden World 
, which was devoted almost entirely to it. Theyweren’t spectacularly successful in attracting readers, but one or another of the titlesappeared on newsstands almost continuously until about 1975.I read Palmer’s publications during this period, but rarely discussed them with myfriends in the unexplained-phenomena or occult communities. I had assumed from myfirst contact with the Mystery that Shaver was a medium that received messages fromthe spirit world, but also a materialist who rationalized his psychic experiences as aphysical phenomenon. I interpreted his Teros and Deros as good and evil spirits andhis Rays as the psychic powers of both living people and disembodied spirits used towork magic. Such an interpretation was unacceptable to most UFO investigators, andeven to the majority of Shaver’s own followers, because they were strict materialists.However, occultists didn’t like the Shaver Mystery either; they called it negative andparanoid. People in both groups dismissed Shaver and his supporters as “nuts andcrackpots who give all the rest of us a bad reputation.”However, I noticed from the late Sixties on that more and more of Palmer andShaver’s ideas were appearing in books on occultism, conspiracies, and unexplainedphenomena. All too often the authors didn’t even credit these men as the source.Recently, years after his death, Palmer has finally begun to get some of the recognition
- 17 -he deserves as a creative, courageous pioneer in all three fields; but Shaver’s name israrely mentioned, except by a few members of his original following in their ownsmall-circulation publications.I reread much of the Shaver Mystery material during the early Eighties when I wasconsciously trying to make my breakthrough, and I found that his basic cosmologyseemed to fit the total available evidence about the nature of spiritual reality betterthan any of the traditional cosmologies in religious and occult literature. It’s quitegrim and paranoid, but then so is a lot of the raw spiritual evidence that psychics havechanneled over the course of history.Books on Spiritualism and other forms of traditional Western occultism usuallyportray the astral plane as a rather benign and orderly place, presided over bybenevolent deities or advanced human spirits, just as the major religions do. Thewicked may be punished there, but the just are rewarded; and above all, the life afterdeath takes place in a stable environment with law and order.However, many of the spirits I’ve communicated with over years of mediumisticpractice describe the astral plane as an environment almost as harsh as Shaver’sCaves. As I said in the last chapter, spirits often appear to be insane, feeble-minded,or child-like; and even those who seem normally intelligent and mature sometimesbecome mysteriously incoherent during the course of a telepathic conversation, as if something were attacking them or jamming the communication process.If, as all the religious and occult mythologies claim, the astral plane is really governedby benign gods or other highly-evolved spiritual beings, they do not seem to be doinga very efficient job of helping the dead find stability or happiness there. In fact, themessages that supposedly come from the spiritual entities in charge on the astral planeare among the most confusing and frightening communications that mediums receive.Many times, I’ve made contact with entities that say, “I am God,” and then go on intoravings as immoral as Hitler’s and as incoherent as something you’d expect to hearcoming out of a padded cell.Of course, both the occultists and the religious believers claim that such messages arefrom demons and other evil or insane spirits, but that doesn’t answer the mostimportant question. If the astral plane is under the control of benign forces, why doesso much of the observed evidence portray existence there as extremely harsh andunpleasant?Most of the occultists I discussed this with over the years before I made thebreakthrough were not interested in doing serious research into this. Many put theblame on me: “You’re too political and too concerned with the Earth plane, and thisputs you in contact only with the lowest levels of the astral plane. If you’ll stop tryingto play scientist, and simply submit your will to the spiritual forces that run theUniverse, your mediumistic experiences will become calm and serene and you’ll startcontacting the really advanced spirits and deities.”My reply usually went something like this: “Maybe I really am at a lower stage of spiritual development than you are, but if so, then I’ve got a lot of company. Mypersonal communications with spirits tell me that the vast majority of the human raceis not composed of high-level occultists capable of avoiding the evil spirits on thelower astral and going on to a higher plane of existence. Instead, when they die, it’s
- 18 -very likely they’ll join the lost souls calling for help. My sympathies are with them,and I’d like to learn how to help them.”My actual opinion was that both traditional and New Age occultists, and all thebelievers in organized religion as well, were deluding themselves with false optimismbecause they were afraid to recognize and fight evil. However, I rarely said thisopenly because doing so would only be destructive criticism. I had no alternative tooffer; just the vague feeling that there is something terrible going on in the spiritworld.When I finally made the breakthrough, I found out that it is a literal “War in Heaven,”a struggle to the death between two political factions of disembodied spirits; and thatspirits from one of these factions had telepathically inspired my life-long fascinationwith the Shaver Mystery. My new knowledge also confirmed my rejection of Shaver’s physical, science-fiction-oriented interpretation of the Mystery. The Caves,the space people, and even the Ray machines do exist, but on the spiritual plane, notthe physical plane. Shaver was simply an unconscious medium that receivedimportant messages about the nature of spiritual reality from the same group of spiritswho are helping me with this book.And since the Sixties, these spirits have had an ever-increasing subconscious influenceon many Ufologists and conspiracy theorists, leading them into hypotheses similar tothe Shaver Mystery. For example, during the Seventies, Jacques Vallee and severalother respected UFO researchers virtually stopped searching for evidence that flyingsaucers were physical objects, and concentrated on studying the effects of the UFOphenomenon on individuals and on society as a whole. However, treating UFOs as apsychological and sociological phenomenon didn’t really explain anything, becausethe investigators kept finding evidence that UFOs had objective existence. Most casescould be explained as hoaxes, hallucinations, mass-suggestion, or media hype, but notall of them.Investigators like Vallee kept talking to people who had experienced “closeencounters” with UFOs and undergone profound psychological changes as a result.When I and other occultists read these accounts, we saw their similarity to descriptionsin our own literature of encounters with spiritual beings, psychic attacks, illuminationexperiences, etc. Eventually, Vallee and other well-known UFO writers grudginglybegan to admit that the UFOs were “real but nonphysical.” This concept will bediscussed further in a later chapter.They also found that their investigations of the effects of UFO encounters on peopleforced them to consider seriously the idea that unseen forces manipulate the course of human history. In the Fifties, the mainstream of the UFO investigation movement hadostracized Palmer and Shaver for talking about mind control and secret conspiracies.Twenty years later, many of these same investigators found that they were beingdrawn down the same path, the one marked “This way lies paranoia.”The next chapter will give some general background information on conspiracytheories. I will return to the role of the UFO investigators later.
- 19 -
Chapter 3: Conspiracies
Although the general public and the scientific investigators of unexplained phenomenastarted showing a major interest in conspiracy theories only after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, conspiracies have been a major theme in occultliterature for centuries. Many of these stories are merely warnings about conspiraciesto persecute occultists, or answers to accusations that occult organizations haveconspired to overthrow religious and political establishments; but the ones thatinterested me are much more positive in tone. They’re the sort of thing that I read andhope is true, such as the rumors about secret societies of high-level “Masters” whoconspire to use their advanced knowledge and formidable psychic powers for benigncauses, especially the advancement of human civilization in every area: spiritual,cultural, political, and technological.I felt instinctively from an early age that such positive conspiracies have in factexisted at various times during the past five or six centuries and have been significantin building our modern society. One of my major goals for a long time was to findsuch a group, if any had survived to the present, both to learn whatever they wouldteach me and to help them with what they were doing. In a sense, I found it when Imade my breakthrough, but it wasn’t a conspiracy of living people at all. However,it’s still worthwhile to tell of my efforts to trace down the source of the rumors aboutbenign conspiracies of advanced occultists who contribute to the progress of Westerncivilization.One of the chief focal points for such rumors is the Masonic Order of the eighteenthcentury, so that’s where I’ll begin. Detailed histories of some of these lodges andrelatively complete descriptions of their doctrines are now in general circulation.They’re supposed to be secret, but they really never have been – see WilliamHeckethorn’s
Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries
, first published in 1875 andavailable in many public libraries. However, there’s very little in these books to helpresearchers find hidden occult conspiracies within the secret societiesFor example, many historians admit that a large number of the men who made majorbreakthroughs in many different fields during the eighteenth-century Age of Enlightenment – Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Voltaire, Adam Smith, anddozens of others – belonged to such lodges. And one of the modern Rosicruciangroups acts as if this is proof that the lodges had access to important occultknowledge: “What secret did these men possess?” Actually, it’s just as proper toanswer with another question: “With men of that caliber in them, what need did thelodges have of secret occult knowledge to make an impact on the course of history?”Studying the basic philosophical and ethical teachings of the eighteenth centuryFreemasons and Rosicrucians doesn’t directly reveal the existence of a secret occultconspiracy either. There is no doubt that ideas like “consent of the governed” and“inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property” and “the only God we can know isReason” were widely discussed and taught within the lodges, and consideredextremely radical; but there was nothing really new or secret about them even then.They had been published and openly discussed by intellectuals for centuries, and theonly unique thing about the Age of Enlightenment is that these theoretical concepts
- 20 -finally began to be put into practice on a large enough scale to affect the evolution of human society.Also, the “secret” histories of the Masonic lodges reveal that they have always beenvery similar to what they are today: social organizations devoted to mutual aid amongmembers, charitable works in the community, and a philosophy most of us would call“Basic American values.” The members underwent initiations into various “degrees”and regularly attended quasi-religious rituals, but the histories make it clear that mostlodge brothers considered them mere dramas to stir the emotions and create a mood.The exact details of these rituals are virtually the only things about such lodges thataren’t readily available to the public.However, some members of modern occult groups that trace their descent back tocertain Masonic and Rosicrucian lodges have put important elements of thesetraditional rituals into their writings for the general public. The writings of AleisterCrowley and the other Golden Dawn members are the best-known examples. Andwhen one studies these rituals, evidence to support the existence of an occultconspiracy finally begins to emerge. Many of them are directly derived from therituals of advanced medieval occultism, and there’s no doubt that performing themputs the participants in profoundly altered states of consciousness. The OTO (Orderof Eastern Templars) and other modern occult groups that use these rituals are amongthe most advanced magical lodges in existence. (And yes, some people in thesegroups have very bad reputations for misusing magic. But this reflects only on theirmorals, not on their knowledge or skills.)The fact that advanced magical techniques were used in the rituals without beingopenly explained to all of the members is evidence that the Masonic and Rosicrucianlodges may have been front organizations for a “secret society within a secret society”,which manipulated the other members for its own purposes. Many occultists havepostulated the existence of such a group, and named it the “Invisible College.”According to this theory, the Invisible College was a group of men with advancedknowledge of medieval occultism, derived from the Knights Templar or other secretsocieties of the late Middle Ages. They infiltrated Freemasonry and the Rosicruciansaround the beginning of the eighteenth century. Once they had assumed leadership,they started teaching the rational, humanistic doctrine that most people today associatewith Masonry, which is also the political and ethical philosophy that forms the basisfor modern Western civilization.The Invisible College designed rituals (based on medieval occultism) that would havea hypnotic effect on the initiates so their resistance to the radical doctrine would belowered. The emotional power of the rituals also positively reinforced acceptance of the doctrine. The term “operant conditioning” wasn’t added to the vocabulary of science until the Twentieth century, but occultists have practiced the technique forhundreds of years. And it worked very well, resulting in the birth of modern politicaldemocracy and liberalism, the rise of capitalism and the industrial revolution, the rapidadvancement of Science, and the decline of Puritanism and other forms of Fundamentalist Christianity that opposed material progress.This particular conspiracy was large enough and effective enough to leave obvioustraces in history, but it’s much more difficult to trace the operations of similarconspiracies since. Most of the modern books labeled as “conspiracy theories” have
- 21 -been of little use to me in finding occult conspiracies, because they deal only withpolitics and economics on a completely materialistic level. However, certain well-known mundane conspiracy theories have elements within them that do interest me.An example is the body of rumors about the “Bavarian Illuminati” that received a lotof publicity during the McCarthy-era controversy over Communist conspiracies back in the Fifties.The rumors I’m talking about were published quite openly by members of the “lunaticfringe” of the anti-Communist movement, and some of them had the same “too wild tobe untrue” quality as the Shaver Mystery did. They seemed to show a glimpse intoanother reality, as if the authors, like Shaver, were receiving messages from the spiritworld that their conscious minds were totally incapable of interpreting.For example, some of their accusations against the “Illuminati” made no sense at allback in the Fifties when the rumors were published, but when I reread this material inthe Seventies and early Eighties, I found that several of their charges had beenamazingly prophetic. For example, these particular propagandists had joined thecrusade against the fluoridation of public water supplies by claiming that it was part of a wider Illuminati plot to put “drugs and chemicals that weaken the will” into food andwater all over America so that people would become more vulnerable to Communistbrainwashing.Even the majority within the anti-fluoridation movement – who merely consideredfluoridation of water supplies a potential health hazard and a violation of individualrights by the government – thought the charges about “will destroying drugs andchemicals” were totally paranoid. However, when I reread them years later, Isuspected that the authors might have had psychic forewarnings about the massiveimpact of mind-altering drugs on society that started in the Sixties. And I’m nottalking only about recreational drug use or LSD as an aid to consciousness-expansionhere, but about something much more fundamental: the use of massive doses of powerful tranquilizers on people in prisons and mental hospitals, the frequent use of milder tranquilizers and sedatives by a large part of the population, the ever-increasinguse of cocaine and amphetamines, etc.Some of the other rumors started by these same “right-wing kooks” didn’t make anysense until after I had made my breakthrough and started writing this book. One of them was that the conspiracies they were trying to expose were a set of ChineseBoxes. On the outer layer were the majority of Americans, who were beingbrainwashed with false promises of peace and plenty from liberal politicians. Theliberals themselves were being duped by Communist agents. Chief among theseagents were Josef Stalin and his successors in the Kremlin, but they were not reallysovereign over the “world-wide Communist conspiracy.” Most of their foreignpropaganda and subversion was financed by cliques of Jewish bankers and otherwealthy capitalists whose leaders were all members of the Bavarian Illuminati. And atthe very center, the Illuminati themselves were accused of being under the control of the “Snake People,” who were either “aliens from outer space,” or “demons of Satansent from Hell.”The strangest thing about this scenario is that it makes perfect sense if interpreted interms of some of the information in Part Two of this book. Before I made thebreakthrough, I wasn’t able to understand what was behind these weird writings; I just
- 22 -felt the authors had received information from “somewhere else.” And thisinformation seemed to support the idea that a mysterious conspiracy was doing thingsthe conservatives and reactionaries didn’t like. The most interesting thing about it wasthat telepathy seemed to be involved, which would imply a conspiracy of psychics.There are some ideas almost as wild in
 Morning of the Magicians
(1960), by LouisPouwells and Jacques Bergier. Among many other things, the book gives evidencethat a number of German Nazi leaders were involved with occultism and variouspseudo-scientific belief systems closely related to it. Some of this material led me toconclude that the government of Axis Germany may have been infiltrated andmanipulated by the same sort of occultists who worked through the old Masoniclodges.Most occultists are reluctant to consider speculation of this kind, because they jump tothe conclusion that if “Secret Masters” manipulated the Nazis, they must have done soto help them. Since it’s natural to reject the idea that anyone with really advancedoccult knowledge and psychic powers could be sympathetic to men as evil as Hitlerand his followers, they usually conclude that Nazi occultism was on a rather low level.After closely studying the available evidence, I came to a somewhat differentconclusion. I found reason to believe that something similar to the old “InvisibleCollege” influenced both sides in World War II, and that this manipulation wasintended to ensure an Allied victory. Since many of the Nazi leaders had beeninvolved with occult organizations from an early age, I concluded that the InvisibleCollege probably had started out trying to control this movement and use it to rebuildGermany after World War I. They obviously failed, though I wasn’t sure why.To explain evidence like this, many occultists and conspiracy researchers havepostulated that there are two opposing factions of secret manipulators that contend forcontrol of human society. Before I made the breakthrough, I found this concept of “the forces of good versus the forces of evil” too simplistic and unsophisticated toaccept very easily, even though I kept discovering evidence to support it.One thing is certain about World War II: whether or not high-level occult conspiracieswere involved in such strategic events as the rise of the Nazis to power, occultism andpsychic activities had a major impact on the course of the war. History records quiteclearly that Hitler and other Nazi leaders believed in occultism enough to listen toadvice from psychics, and that much of it was harmful to the Axis cause. Forexample, Hitler’s psychic advisors told him to stop trying to develop an atomic bomb.They also encouraged him to invade the Soviet Union.There is also evidence that Allied leaders received and acted on advice from psychicsover the course of World War II, but this does not mean that people like Roosevelt andChurchill believed in occultism in quite the same way that some of the German leadersdid. In many cases, professional psychics passed useful military information to peoplein the regular Allied intelligence community who then passed it up the chain of command along with information gathered by conventional means.If this was all there was to the evidence, there would be no reason to conclude that animportant, high-level occult conspiracy was involved. Once it is assumed that psychicpowers like telepathy exist, it’s logical to make the further assumption that psychicallytalented individuals are going to use their powers to help whichever side they support
- 23 -in a war. In this context, it makes perfect sense that psychics who were reasonablyethical people would give bad advice to the Nazis and good advice to the Allies.However, now that World War II is long over and most of the major figures involvedare dead, some extremely interesting evidence has started to surface. A number of theintelligence agents and low-ranking military officers who passed psychic advice to theAllied leaders are starting to admit that they lied when they said they got theinformation from professional occultists. That was just a cover story to deceive theircolleagues in the intelligence community, who knew they couldn’t have gotten suchmaterial through their usual sources of information.How did these people really get the information? No one told it to them: they got itthrough psychic experiences of their own, and in many cases never had a similarexperience before or since. Some of the stories they’re now telling occult researchersare simply incredible unless you know something about mediumship. If you do,they’re quite familiar.Many of them describe getting information from the ghost of a dead comrade, usuallyin a dream or while falling asleep. Others heard it on the radio: the station the personwas listening to would fade out, and the signal that replaced it would convey a fewsentences of useful intelligence information. Hundreds of such accounts have nowbeen reported. I’ll admit there’s no hard evidence to prove most of them true, but theystill impressed me, because they appear to be descriptions of mediumistic experiencesby people who lack the knowledge to fake such a thing.In addition to this, some of the conspiracy evidence I encountered through my ownpersonal experience mystified and frightened me even more. The Kennedyassassination fits into that category. If my only source of information about it hadbeen the facts available in newspapers and history books, I would have assumedPresident Kennedy had been murdered for mundane political reasons, such as hisliberal stand on civil rights, his equivocal handling of the Bay of Pigs invasion, hisdeclaration of a “war on organized crime”, or one of his other controversial policies.However, I had some psychic experiences in 1962 and 1963 that strongly indicatedthat spiritual conspiracies were involved in the assassination.I started having these experiences in late 1962. I would be in a trance state trying toread somebody’s mind or contact spirits, and I’d get extremely hateful and threateningfeelings about the President – feelings that I was sure didn’t originate in my ownmind. (Kennedy wasn’t a hero to me, as he was to so many Americans at that time,but I didn’t hate him, either. For example, I felt his strong stand on civil rights wasmerely what any decent person would take under the circumstances.) These alienthoughts were just raw emotions, not messages expressed in words or mental pictures,but they were very strong.This might have made sense if I’d been living in a place like Alabama, surrounded bythe sort of people who later cheered when they heard that Kennedy had been killed;but I was in the middle of New York City, where he was extremely popular. So wherewere the negative messages coming from?My personal experiences with telepathy at that time indicated that it was mainly ashort-range phenomenon. Whenever I could identify the source of the thoughts andemotions I picked up telepathically, it was usually someone within a few miles of me.The literature is full of accounts of long-range telepathy, but I’d only experienced this
- 24 -a few times in my life. So who was sending all the telepathic poison againstKennedy?My guess was that a secret lodge of occultists with extreme right-wing political viewswas operating somewhere in New York. I knew vaguely that there were several“black lodges” in the area whose members claimed to be both powerful magicians andfascists. And I felt strongly that if people like that were sending out those telepathichate messages, then the rest of the occult community should try to do something aboutit.In the summer of 1963, when I first discussed this with various friends, all occultistsabout my own age, they talked me out of it. After all, we were working to end thecensorship that had banned some of the best contemporary literature as pornography,so why should we even consider practicing “psychic censorship”? And what harmcould the messages do anyway? So a few psychics kept hearing “Kill Kennedy, killKennedy.” So what? Weren’t Presidents of the United States guarded with all thelatest technology and virtually impossible to assassinate? (Yes, I really was this naive.So were most Americans in 1963.)However, as November of 1963 approached, I could perceive the anti-Kennedymessages growing stronger and more frequent, and people with less and less consciouspsychic ability were reporting receiving them. Often, they were getting warnings, notthreats: flashes that “Kennedy is in danger, something is going to happen to him.” Somany people had experiences like this and talked or wrote about them, that theauthorities investigating the assassination after it happened filled whole files withthem. However, these psychic messages were far too vague to give information aboutthe identity of the actual assassins.In September of 1963, I began to get some information from my own spirit guidesabout the telepathic hate campaign against Kennedy. At that time, it was extremelydifficult for me to receive coherent channeled messages, because my mediumisticpowers were not yet highly developed. However, I did manage to get some answers tomy questions after weeks of strenuous effort, and they weren’t at all what I’d beenexpecting.Since I knew my spirit guides staunchly supported the Civil Rights movement andother liberal causes, I expected them to say they were trying to protect the Presidentagainst psychic attacks from black magicians or evil spirits. Instead, they said thatthey and all the other good spirits on the astral plane were responsible for the anti-Kennedy campaign. They said Kennedy was mentally unstable enough to start anuclear war, and it was necessary to either disgrace him or kill him before he could doso.The process of receiving this information in garbled bits and pieces took many days,but by the time it was done, I was convinced the anti-Kennedy messages really didcome from good spirits, not reactionary magicians. Also, when I reread the newsaccounts of Kennedy’s conduct during the Cuban Missile Crisis, they seemed tosupport the spirits’ contention that he might start a world war. There was evidence(though not the clear proof that’s surfaced since) that the President’s initial reactionhad been to favor a nuclear first strike or massive invasion of Cuba, and that he’dcompromised on a blockade only under heavy pressure from his advisors.
- 25 -Because of this personal experience, I took a serious interest in the conspiracy theoriesthat became a fad after the assassination. I also kept on trying very hard to developmy psychic powers and use them to look for evidence that telepathy was being used toguide the evolution of human society. The resurgence of the counterculture andradical politics in the Sixties, which began to receive major publicity soon after theKennedy assassination, proved to be an excellent source of such evidence, as we shallsee in the next chapter.
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Chapter 4: The Sixties
 As the Fifties ended, the media were saying that the Beat Movement was dying, but Ifound out when I moved to New York at the end of 1959 that these rumors werecompletely misleading. The general public was losing interest in reading about theBeats, but the bohemian counterculture itself was still alive and growing. By 1962,the counterculture in New York had outgrown Greenwich Village and so many youngbohemian-types were living in the Lower East Side that it was being called the EastVillage. The same thing happened in San Francisco: as the population of thecounterculture outgrew the space available in the old bohemian area of North Beach, itspread to a residential neighborhood called the Haight-Ashbury.This happened without attracting much media publicity, and well before thebeginning of the events commonly described as the causes of the Sixties movement.For example, it predated widespread campus radicalism by several years. I’m certainof this because I was among the “outside agitators” who tried to interest collegestudents in the anti-draft, anti-war, free speech, and civil rights issues before many of them were willing to listen to these messages.I also know that people like Timothy Leary didn’t start the psychedelic drugmovement, because college students were already starting to “Turn on, Tune in, andDrop out” years before Leary coined the phrase. They were turning on to the “weedand wine” popularized in the Beat literature, because LSD had not yet become widelyavailable; they were tuning in to the Zen-influenced philosophy of Jack Kerouac, GarySnyder, and others; and they were dropping out and trying to join a movement theyreally didn’t fit into very well.The original Beatniks had been typical American bohemians, little differentfrom those who had lived in Greenwich Village and similar bohemian colonies forover a hundred years. Most of them were well above average in both intelligence andeducation, and had a serious interest in at least one creative activity: art, literature,music, drama, social or political reform, etc. As an occultist and political radical, I feltcomfortable in the Beat movement; but many of the recent dropouts didn’t.The majority of people entering the counterculture from the early Sixties ondidn’t have the customary personality profile for bohemians. They didn’t have aconsuming passion for specific intellectual, artistic, or political endeavors, but hadinterests that were more personal and low-key. This is not to say they were lessintelligent or creative than the traditional bohemians; they just had different goals. Bythe mid-Sixties, they had started their own segment of the underground press and wereputting these goals into words, talking about “alternative life-styles” and “doing yourown thing.”My experiences with overhearing psychic messages regarding the Kennedyassassination made me start looking for evidence that someone was telepathicallyinfluencing large numbers of ordinary young people to take drugs, drop out, and jointhe counterculture. And yes, when I started asking people, they said they had firststarted using marijuana or LSD because they’d had dreams, visions, or simply
- 27 -“hunches” that they ought to, and that these “feelings” predated any intellectualknowledge about psychedelics.Many of the people I talked to had first learned about LSD and the otherpowerful psychedelics through reading accounts of the scientific experiments withthem in popular magazines. These accounts described only the psychedelicsexperiments conducted by professional researchers working within the medicalestablishment; there was not one word in them to encourage widespread use of thedrugs by the public. However, when these young people read the accounts, they feltvery strong desires to use psychedelics. In many cases, the principal reason they’d joined the counterculture was to meet people who could get them peyote, mescaline,or LSD.I also started doing formal rituals to listen for telepathic messages urging peopleto use psychedelics, and found them quite common. However, I was never able to tellexactly who was sending them. Sometimes it seemed to be spirits, sometimes groupsof living people; but my psychic powers were not yet developed enough for me toisolate the source.Even more significant, I found that someone was sending out powerfultelepathic messages supporting not just personal experimentation with psychedelics,but all the other major ideological elements of the counterculture movement of the midand late Sixties as well. There were messages about peace, sexual freedom, equalityfor women and minorities, occultism and experimentation with non-Christian religioussystems, general hostility toward the Establishment, etc.The emotional tone of many of these telepathic messages was extremelymilitant, often bordering on what most people would call paranoia and delusions of grandeur, as if someone were trying to turn people into fanatics. My impression of this was that someone was literally trying to start a social revolution on a very deeplevel, one that would completely transform Western civilization if it succeeded. Someof these telepathic messages even suggested that we call ourselves “SpiritualRevolutionaries.”Even though I often received the messages themselves quite clearly, I still didn’tknow who was sending them. The commonest rumor within the counterculture saidthe collective unconscious of the human race was responsible. Other rumors attributedthe messages to the Bavarian Illuminati, space people, or a wide variety of deities.When I tried sending telepathic questions asking the identity of whoever was sendingthe messages, I found out the source of all these apparently conflicting rumors wasthat mysterious “Invisible College” I’d been speculating about for a long time.Sometimes I’d ask, “Are you the Illuminati?” and be told, “Yes, we are theInvisible College.” But when I’d ask “Are you living people?” I’d get the reply, “No,we are dead people.” Then I’d ask them, “Are you the Ascended Masters theoccultists talk about?,” and the spirits would answer, “No, we are the enemies of theMasters.” I’d ask “Are you from outer space?” and be told, “Yes. But so are you. Soare many people on this planet.”
- 28 -If I asked “Are you gods?” I’d get one of two replies: either “No, we are people, just like you,” or “No, we are the enemies of the gods.” I sent these questions manydifferent times and always received versions of the same answers. The replies werealways short and cryptic, and they really left me no wiser than before. Now that I’vemade the breakthrough, they make perfect sense; but they meant little to me in theSixties and early Seventies.Sometime in 1966, I started calling myself a Spiritual Revolutionary anddropped out of regular political activism, concentrating instead on assuming a minorleadership role in the psychedelic-drug movement and the new occult movement thatwas growing out of it. I felt my psychic powers were far from fully developed, but aslong as I knew more than the people I was teaching, I could be of help. The next eightyears are full of chaotic memories of guiding LSD trips, leading various rituals,teaching sex magic and mediumship, and writing all sorts of things for theunderground press. I still wasn’t sure what was going on, but it was obvious whatneeded doing from one day to the next.One of the things that mystified me the most about the Sixties Movement wasthe way it seemed to make rapid progress without leadership in the usual sense. Oh,there were plenty of people who said they were leading the movement. The pressmade media heroes of them as if they were movie stars or sports champions, and thegovernment frequently threw them in jail even if it had to bend the law and theConstitution to do so. However, very few of these people were actually providingleadership as it is usually defined. They issued very few direct orders, and when theydid, not many members of the counterculture obeyed them.The psychedelic drug movement is an excellent example of this. Timothy Learywas acknowledged as the leader of this movement by both the general public and theacidheads themselves, but he was just a figurehead. Leary lectured and held quasi-religious rituals as the “High Priest of LSD,” but the people in the psychedelicsmovement treated him more like a statue of a god in a temple than like an actualpriest. A priest preaches, and members of his religious congregation are expected toput his teachings into practice; but this simply didn’t happen in the Sixties psychedelicmovement.Very few of the hundreds of thousands of people experimenting with LSD andother psychedelics were taking advice or instruction from anyone. Books onpsychedelics by Leary and many other people sold very well, but my own experiencesas a low-level leader of the drug movement showed me that not many acidheads took the books seriously or tried to learn from them. Nor did they practice the muchsimpler instructions of the “How To Be Your Own Trip Guide type that people likeme wrote for the underground press. They were simply buying acid on the black market and stuffing it down their throats, with very little regard for the consequences.Once they’d survived a few acid trips, they figured their personal experience qualifiedthem as trip guides, and they started giving LSD to all their friends.People just worked out their own methods of controlling their own LSD trips bypersonal experimentation. Often, they said they were using Leary’s instructions as aguideline, but I could see little resemblance most of the time. The general attitude
- 29 -was: “Who wants to fast and meditate to prepare for a trip? And why bother to recitea bunch of mumbo-jumbo when I can just groove on the Stones?”At first, I was quite hostile to this attitude. I’d learned the use of psychedelicsby studying Western occultism and Amerindian shamanism, which teach that thedrugs should be taken under very structured conditions involving elaborate ritual.However, when I was persuaded to try the less controlled approach that everyonearound me was using, I found it both safe and effective. By this time, I had enoughconscious control over my psychic powers to perceive directly that an outside agencywas telepathically communicating with people who took LSD and was reprogrammingtheir minds.My explanation for the phenomenon at the time was that the collective telepathicemanations from hundreds or thousands of people taking LSD simultaneously sentmessages to everyone else and guided their trips. I also found that I could receivethese psychic messages even when I wasn’t on drugs, just by assuming the right kindof trance state. The content of the telepathic messages was the usual ideology of theSixties movement as reported in the underground press: “Peace now,” “Loveeverybody, even the pigs,” “Expand your consciousness,” etc. There were alsohundreds of phrases from popular song lyrics by Bob Dylan, the Beatles, the RollingStones, Donovan, Tim Buckley, Simon and Garfunkel, and many more. Often, I’dreceive a phrase telepathically months before I heard it in a song, and speculate thatthe songwriter had gotten it by the same means and from the same source.Many people in the counterculture believed that some of these people, especiallyBob Dylan, were fully conscious of what was going on and had a completeunderstanding of what all these cryptic phrases meant, but my own telepathicexperiences made me doubt this. I was reasonably certain they received the sametantalizing fragments of telepathic information I received, and had no moreunderstanding of them than I did. Numerous passages in the song lyrics themselvescould be interpreted as saying this.If what I was overhearing was really just a consensus of the thoughts of thepeople on LSD at that time, the messages were exactly what I expected they would be,in a general sense; but there was also something rather odd about them. I naturallyexpected the random thoughts of “a bunch of stoned hippies” to be extremely diverseand incoherent and to contain a wide variety of different emotions and images.Instead, what I received seemed quite simple, clear, and well controlled.I had no idea who was sending those telepathic messages, but whoever theywere, they were extremely anarchistic. They urged people not to follow leaders at all,but to learn everything by personal experimentation and become masters of their ownfate. Even though I’ve always lived my own life by this philosophy, I felt uneasyreceiving these messages, because there were so many immature and irresponsiblepeople in the Sixties movement. I was afraid that the policy of “Do your own thing”and “Don’t follow leaders, become a leader yourself” would keep the movement fromdeveloping enough political organization to make significant reforms in society.However, the unseen forces who were influencing minds by telepathy seemed tooppose completely the idea of injecting formal political structure into the movement.
- 30 -People kept saying “We’ve got to get it together,” but this proved completelyimpossible. The telepathic manipulators countered by sending “We don’t need to getit together. It already
together.” No one could figure out exactly what this wassupposed to mean, but it sounded reassuring. Besides, by the time this message wassent, the movement was dying out anyway, and few people were expecting immediaterevolution, political or spiritual, any more.After the Vietnam War ended and the counterculture stopped receiving majorpublicity, I stayed in the new wing of the occult community for a few years, thengradually drifted out of it and concentrated all my efforts on my personal psychicdevelopment. I felt I was no longer needed, because by this time the Neo Pagan,Human Potentials, and New Age movements were well under way, training their ownleaders and designing their own operating techniques. And I was looking further intothe future, believing that both the “alternative lifestyles” of the Sixties and the“spiritual alternatives” of the Seventies were just precursors of the real beginning of a“New Age,” which was still to come. By the early Eighties, just before I made mypersonal breakthrough, I was able to look back on the Sixties Movement and realize just how successful it had been in preparing American society for the overt SpiritualRevolution of the Eighties and Nineties.During the late Sixties and early Seventies, many people outside the movementkept saying, “This is just some sort of weird fad, and eventually it will pass and thingswill return to normal – unless, of course, those damn Hippies stir up so much troublethat the political center collapses and the country goes Communist or Fascist.” At thesame time, most of us within the movement itself who hadn’t become completefanatics expecting an instant Utopia kept saying, “This can’t be happening. MostAmericans are still quite conservative, anti-intellectual, graspingly materialistic, andsomewhat bigoted. The Establishment is growing stronger, not weaker, and thetotalitarian policies of the Communist countries are undermining the foundation of thepeace and anti-imperialist movements. The drug movement is getting so corruptedwith real drug abuse – heavy use of the opiates, the amphetamines, cocaine,barbiturates, etc. – that the legalization and controlled use of the psychedelics isbeginning to appear impossible.”Because of this, I believed all through the Sixties that the Establishment wouldeventually suppress the counterculture by force. All the “superstar” leaders would gointo jail or exile, most of the rank-and-file members of the movement would be scaredaway from it, and the rest of us – those deeply committed but not conspicuous enoughto be identified and persecuted – would carry on our activities underground until theheat died down and we could surface again.That’s what my knowledge of history told me was most likely, but it didn’thappen. The Sixties movement neither challenged the Establishment nor waschallenged by it, but simply kept getting larger and more diffuse until it faded awayinto the background. By the late Seventies, I realized that this had been the plan of theunseen forces behind the movement all along, and that it had proven extremelysuccessful.
- 31 -What happened was that the essential philosophy of the Sixties counter-culturespread very widely within the general population while the organized parts of themovement died out. Many of the beliefs and opinions of the “Silent Majority”changed without the people involved being consciously aware of it. Most Americanscontinued to say they disliked hippies and the hippy philosophy, while at the sametime their personal opinions on many important issues were moving closer and closerto those the counterculture had actually lived by.The most important of these changed attitudes was simply an increasedtolerance for people with opinions or behavior different from their own. This hashappened so gradually and smoothly all over the country during the Seventies and intothe Eighties that it has never received much attention, but there’s no doubt the changeis real and significant.The course that American society has actually taken from the end of the Sixtiesmovement to the late Eighties has been quite different from what either insiders oroutsiders had been predicting. The overt phase of the movement withered awaywithout making too many political changes. Psychedelics remained illegal. Thenuclear arms race and American imperialism still existed even though we did finallypull out of Vietnam. Every President from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan has beeneither conservative or moderate, and the very term “liberal” remained in bad repute.Above all, the extreme optimism about the future that was one of the hallmarks of theSixties movement gave way to alternate waves of militant pessimism (such aspredictions of imminent ecological catastrophe or economic collapse) and self-indulgent indifference (the philosophy of the “yuppies” and many New Age groups).However, these surface appearances are misleading. Western society in the1980’s is significantly different from the way it was in 1960, and many of the changeshave been those advocated by the Sixties movement. There is still racial bigotry andghetto poverty, for example, but the present generation of black Americans lives in amuch less racist social environment than did previous generations. Millions of blackshave now achieved effective equality with whites: in education, in housing, in small-business ownership, in professional and executive-level employment, and to anincreasing extent in labor unions and well-paid blue-collar jobs. Although the civilrights movement is correct when it says there is still a need for even more reformsbefore our society achieves complete racial equality, there is absolutely no doubt thatenormous strides have already been made. When I first started supporting the conceptof equal rights for minorities, I never thought I’d live to see this much real progress.Also, even the most speculative radical writings of the early Sixties didn’t comeclose to predicting the achievements of the present feminist movement. During thelast twenty years, women have achieved even more progress towards social andeconomic equality than blacks. Again, there’s still a long way to go and an ongoingmovement fighting for further progress, but there’s no doubt a young girl today willlive in a better world than her mother did when it comes to opportunities for women.And the progress is not just in having women in high political office or positions of business leadership; changes for the better in male-female relations within the familyitself can be observed all around us.
- 32 -There has also been a significant increase in sophistication in this country sincethe Sixties. Europeans used to consider Americans relatively uncultured compared tothemselves. Before the last decade or two, the majority of artistic and socialinnovations and fads started in Europe and spread to the rest of the world. Now manyof them start in the United States.The most striking thing about all these changes is that they reverse the historicalpattern for social evolution. Typically, a change in the society’s political or economicstructure occurs first, then a change in individual opinions and behavior. For example,it took more than a century after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights for the majority of Americans to realize that it is impossible to havegovernment by, for, and of the people without political equality for women and racialminorities.The social changes of the last few decades have reversed this pattern: they firstoccur as changes in individual opinions and behavior – the popular term for it is“raised consciousness” – which then force changes in the political system and otherorganized social institutions. The American Revolution was the work of a smallpolitical elite who forced modern democracy on a population who really hadn’t askedfor it and weren’t prepared to make full use of it, and many of the social changes sincethe Sixties have been caused by a series of spontaneous, grass-roots movementswithout strong leadership that forced reforms on the Establishment.The next chapter continues describing the social and political changes that havebeen occurring as our civilization enters a New Age, but from a different perspective.It discusses the role that organized religion is playing in all these events.
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Chapter 5: Religion and Revolution
 Until I made the breakthrough in 1983, my attitude toward Christianity and theother major organized religions was ambiguous. On one level, it’s quite natural foroccultists to feel apprehension toward all religious establishments. Our wholetraditional literature is full of accounts of witch-burning and other persecution. I’vealways been aware that such things could happen right here in Twentieth-centuryAmerica if the New Right and other political factions controlled by Fundamentalistsever achieved control of the government, or even if the majority of AmericanChristians again became Fundamentalists, as they were in past centuries. That fear hasbeen in the back of my mind all my life, but it was never really a rational fear.In reality, the majority of Americans have become progressively more tolerantof occultism and alternative religious systems over the last twenty years. AFundamentalist minority still preaches against us, but when they attempt activepersecution, even the clergy of the largest Christian sects – Catholics, Methodists,Lutherans, Episcopalians, etc. – are usually quick to condemn the persecutors as alunatic fringe and to defend people’s First-Amendment rights to be non-Christians.A number of my friends in the Sixties movement considered themselves devoutChristians or Jews. They simply dropped those aspects of the traditional doctrine theyfound incompatible with their beliefs as members of the counterculture, andincorporated the rest into their new lifestyle. For example, they’d quote verses fromthe New Testament that supported the peace and love doctrine of the counterculture,and make statements like “Jesus was the original hippy.” (Jews in this categorysometimes expressed regret that Jesus had been persecuted by the Jewishestablishment of his day instead of being recognized as a divinely appointed prophetand reformer.)Many of the leaders of the civil rights movement have been members of theChristian clergy, from Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson right on down to thecommunity level, including whites as well as blacks. The same has been true of leaders of the peace and anti-nuclear movement. Most of these people assert that theirreligious beliefs are what motivate them into political activism, and quote scripture tosupport their ideologies.Another cause of my ambiguous attitude toward religion is the lack of a clear-cut boundary between organized religion and occultism. Many Spiritualists considerthemselves members of the Christian community, even though I myself feel that theiractual beliefs and practices make them part of occultism. The same applies to a lot of people who call themselves Gnostics, Magdalenian Christians, Christian Magicians,Cabalists, etc. I’ve always got along as easily with people in this category as withoccultists, Pagans, Witches, and New Agers.However, I took an instant dislike to the “Jesus Freaks” in the Sixties. At first, Icouldn’t identify exactly what turned me off about these longhaired Christians whoproselytized from storefront churches in counterculture areas. Then a few of myChristian friends in the counterculture became Jesus Freaks. They went from saying
- 34 -“Jesus was a hippy. He drank wine, so why should he mind if I smoke dope?” to “Gethigh on Jesus instead of pot.” As a psychic, I had to admit that spiritual experiencesare just as efficient at altering consciousness as drugs are; but the longer my friendsstayed in the Jesus Movement, the less they seemed to act high at all. They alsostarted arguing with me and preaching to me. Eventually, they all either dropped outof the Jesus Movement or stopped speaking to people like me.And the ones who remained Jesus Freaks gradually dropped out of thecounterculture. It all came clear one night when I saw some the movement’s leadersinterviewed on a television evangelist’s program. One said, “We’re basically a rescuemission. We go onto Satan’s territory up there in the Haight and try to rescuesinners.” Then the guy shook his shoulder-length hair and fingered his paisley shirtand continued, “And if we have to wear Satan’s uniform while we do it, then that’swhat we’ll do. Praise the Lord!”I was frightened of black militants who preached a fanatical Islamic doctrinethat included anti-Semitism, and of Palestinian Arabs who condoned terrorism.However, I was just as disturbed that some militant Zionists condemned allPalestinians for the acts of a few, or asserted that Moslems did not deserve the fullrights of Israeli citizenship. And even though I had spent several years studyingVedanta, I felt an instinctive dislike for the Hare Krishnas as well. When people askedme why, I’d say, “They’re Vedantic Puritans. The people I worked with were Shiviteswho smoked ganja, practiced sex magic, and had vibes more like occultists.” I didn’trealize till I’d made the breakthrough that all these people (Jesus Freaks, Zionists, andHare Krishnas) had one thing in common. For now, I’ll call it Fundamentalism, butI’ll have another name for it in Part Two.The principal difference between Fundamentalists and other believers within agiven religion is not just conservatism in the sense of unwillingness to make changesin traditional religious doctrine or custom to avoid conflict with the religion’s externalenvironment. Instead, the Fundamentalists take social and political action to convertthe whole society to their views, whether the rest of the population wants to change ornot.It’s ironic that modern American Fundamentalists call themselves religious andpolitical conservatives. Their philosophy is really radical or revolutionary, becausethey desire sweeping changes in social and political institutions, and they try toimpose these changes with vigorous action, sometimes including force. However,they call this right-wing radical ideology “conservative” to project a respectable publicimage.The Fundamentalist-backed New Right claims to be a conservative movementthat advocates “a return to the traditional American values.” This is a blatant lie.Even the most casual look at American history shows that this country’s traditionalvalues are actually quite liberal. Politicians all over the world have used the U.S.Constitution with its Bill of Rights as a model for designing liberal, democraticinstitutions. The Founding Fathers included some of the most famous liberal politicalphilosophers of all time: Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, BenjaminFranklin, and others. History also shows that American social and political
- 35 -institutions have been moving steadily toward the left during the country’s wholehistory.After I made the breakthrough and learned exactly what the Fundamentalistideology is and where it comes from, it became obvious why people are so willing tothink of it as “traditional” even though it has always been a minority viewpoint in theUnited States. It’s an extremely ancient and powerful ideological system based on aprofound knowledge of human psychology and the nature of psychic and spiritualreality; it’s also the source of most of the evil in this world, as I will describe in PartTwo.My attitude towards Christianity and all other organized religion becameincreasingly ambiguous during the last ten years before I made the breakthrough. Onone hand, I saw many examples of cooperation, tolerance, and openness. Forexample, a number of occult, Pagan, and New Age groups in the San Francisco BayArea have rented space and held their meetings in various non-FundamentalistChristian churches since the Sixties and enjoyed friendly relations with their clergyand congregations. Leaders of some of these Aquarian Age groups have evenbelonged to local Councils of Churches and participated in their charitable and publicservice work. This has also occurred in other large cities all over the country.Yet at the same time, Fundamentalist-controlled religious radio and TV stationsfrequently broadcast outrageous slanders of the Aquarian movement. “All non-Christian religious activity is Devil worship, and everyone who participates in it ispossessed by demons.” Fundamentalist propaganda also frequently made the newswith claims that rock musicians brainwash young people with subliminal messagesabout Satanism. Even the ultimate lie about occultists and Pagans was mentionedoccasionally: that they practice human sacrifice, especially of babies. And theharassment wasn’t all verbal: several groves in Bay Area regional parks where Paganshold outdoor services were routinely vandalized with crosses carved on trees and“Jesus Saves” painted on rocks.During this same period, Fundamentalists in religions besides Christianity werecausing major political problems all over the world. Most readers will be familiarwith the trouble Islamic Fundamentalists have caused over the last twenty years. Thekidnapping of American diplomats by Iranian revolutionaries was partly responsiblefor Ronald Reagan’s victory over Jimmy Carter in the 1980 presidential election.President Anwar Sadat of Egypt was assassinated by Moslem Fundamentalistsbecause he had made a serious effort to work with Israel and bring peace to the MiddleEast. Perhaps the most glaring example has been the virtual destruction of Lebanon,which used to be one of the most advanced and progressive countries in the Islamicworld.There are many other examples of serious political problems caused byFundamentalist movements, both in Christianity and in other major religions that mostAmericans may not identify as such.For example, some of the groups that the press in this country calls “right-wingdeath squads” in South America are actually Catholic Fundamentalist secret societies,and are merely a highly visible part of a Fundamentalist movement within the Catholic
- 36 -Church in that part of the world. This movement is quite small and confined mostly tothe upper and middle social classes, but it has been a significant factor for years inmoving South American governments to the right, toward fascist dictatorship. Thismovement has received much less publicity in the United States than the various left-wing Catholic movements that have formed in reaction to it among the impoverishedmajority of the population in the same countries, but it is definitely a significantpolitical force in South America right now.The “Moonie” Cult in the United States has attracted major publicity formisrepresenting itself when proselytizing, holding some of its members against theirwill under conditions of near starvation and hard labor, etc.; and Rev. Moon himself has been in and out of jail on tax charges. All of this has caused minor problems forthe Aquarian spiritual movement in this country, because too many Americans don’trealize the Moonies have nothing to do with this movement at all.The doctrine of Moon’s Unification Church is a mixture of FundamentalistChristianity with elements from Buddhism and other Eastern religions, and is thedirect antithesis to everything the Aquarian movement stands for. The main reasonwhy this import from South Korea hasn’t done more harm in this country is that wealready have our own Christian Fundamentalist movement, which fits into our culturebetter and appears less bizarre. However, the Moonies and several similarFundamentalist groups have a major influence on South Korean politics and are onereason why that country has swung so far to the totalitarian right.Religious Fundamentalism among both the Sikhs and Hindus was a cause of theassassination of Indira Gandhi and the bloody religious warfare between those twogroups that’s been going on ever since. I’m certain we haven’t seen the worst of it yet.One of the basic causes of Apartheid in South Africa is that large numbers of theAfrikaners are Fundamentalist Protestants. Fundamentalism is responsible for muchof the repression and totalitarianism in the Black African nations; Islam, Christianity,Vedanta, and various tribal religions are all involved. There’s also a Fundamentalistmovement within Judaism, which pressures the Israeli government into aggressivemilitary and expansionist policies and makes achieving peace in the Middle East justthat much more difficult.These are just a few examples of how Fundamentalist religious movements allover the world seem to be working to sabotage the progress of human civilization.The most significant thing about them is that it is very difficult to see how theiractivities could serve anyone’s self-interest. Until I made my breakthrough, Iattributed such activity to a form of insanity: religious fanatics become so obsessedwith “pleasing God” in hopes of achieving “eternal bliss” or some other benefit afterdeath that they completely lose contact with earthly reality. However, I was never ableto determine why religious fanaticism should do this to people.The puritanical, reactionary philosophy of the Fundamentalists has always putthem in conflict with religious as well as political liberals. Since the late Seventies, asthe New Right has been trying to achieve political power, I have noticed an increasingliberal backlash within the Christian religion it self. Until recently, only theFundamentalist wing of Christianity seemed truly vigorous and fanatical. The
- 37 -majority of Christians in this country were liberal or moderate in both their politicaland religious views, but they were also rather conservative about trying to convertothers.Also, for most of this century, the Fundamentalists were the only AmericanChristians who made full use of the psychic power inherent in all organized religion.When most Americans see terms like “charismatic preachers, “religious ecstasy,”“faith healing,” or “miracles,” they associate them only with the Fundamentalists. Theliberal wing of the Christian Church has traditionally been more concerned with socialand political issues than with spiritual power.This situation has recently started to change. There are now urban Protestantcongregations that raise just as much psychic power as the Fundamentalists do, but aredefinitely liberal. The same churches often have female clergy and racially mixedcongregations. Many make an effort to proselytize among homosexuals, feminists,psychedelic drug-users, political radicals, and other types of people whom theFundamentalists bar from membership in their churches unless they first agree tototally change their philosophy and life-style.Because of the information I learned through my breakthrough, my presentopinion of this revolutionary movement within Christianity is still quite ambiguous. Ilike the political and social ideologies involved, but these people are still doing somedangerous things on the purely psychic and spiritual level.They mean well, but the spiritual forces they are openly opposing are, for thetime being at least, still much stronger than they are. Worse yet, they have enteredinto this conflict with a completely erroneous idea of what they are fighting. I’llfollow up on this in Part Two.Before I made the breakthrough, my personal beliefs about deities were just asambiguous as my attitude towards organized religion. I usually described myself as aPagan, because I felt vague psychic perceptions that there are beings on the astralplane that seem to be superior to the spirits of ordinary deceased humans. I assumedthat these are what all the organized religions have called “gods” and “devils,” andthat they’ve had a significant effect on the course of human history by communicatingtelepathically with living people.However, I wasn’t willing to commit myself to devout belief in any particularPagan sect, because I also had an intuitive dislike of deism in any form, monotheisticor polytheistic. I acknowledged that god-like beings do exist, but I didn’t have muchto do with them. They’re too capricious and egotistical. Instead, when Icommunicated telepathically with the astral plane, I concentrated on forming workingrelationships with spirits who say they are not deities, but ordinary people in adiscorporate state between earthly lives. Some of the entities I’ve had as spirit guideshave told me that their previous incarnations were on worlds other than Earth, but theystill say they are people, not gods. My relationship with my spirit guides has beenextremely important to me since I first started becoming aware of it in childhood, butit’s very different from the relationship between deists and their gods. What I have isa friendship between equals that doesn’t violate my individual sovereignty. It’s basedmostly on the mutual exchange of information, and on working to achieve shared
- 38 -political or ethical goals, and I’ve never believed my spirit guides would or could doany harm to me for disagreeing with them.The relationship between deists and gods is more like slavery than friendship:the gods dictate and the worshippers obey. Even worse, deism is based on thepostulate that the nature and motives of the gods are beyond human understanding. Idon’t like totalitarianism or paternalism on Earth, and I don’t like them any better inrelationships with spiritual beings.Another major area where I disagree with the basic doctrines of all the majorreligions concerns life after death. A strong belief in reincarnation is one of thefoundations of my whole concept of spiritual reality. This automatically puts me indisagreement with Judeo-Christian doctrine, which is based on the concept that peoplelive only one life on Earth and then spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. (Someindividual Christians and Jews believe in reincarnation, and a few minor sects of bothreligions have worked it into their doctrines, but it still contradicts the mainstream of Judeo-Christian belief.)From this, it might appear that I would agree with the doctrines of the majorEastern religions – Vedanta, Buddhism, etc. – since they include reincarnation; butthis is not the case. After studying these religions closely over a period of years, Icame to the conclusion that their traditional, mainstream cosmology about the afterlifeis operationally identical to the Judeo-Christian view, and that the apparent differencesare insignificant.The actual mainstream belief of the Eastern religions derived from ancientVedanta (including hundreds of modern Hindu and Buddhist sects, Jainism, Sikhism,and a number of others – a billion or more believers in all) is centered on moral judgment of the soul by deities and salvation by divine grace just as much as Judeo-Christianity is. Many Westerners fail to realize this because their knowledge of theEastern religions is based on books that confuse Eastern occultism with themainstream of Eastern religious doctrine itself.Eastern occultism is very highly developed and has never been formallydisavowed by the leaders of the mainstream religions as has happened in the West.However, it is a mistake to equate the two; they are very different belief systemspracticed by entirely different types of people. Eastern occultists, like theircounterparts in the West, have always been a small minority alienated from themajority of the population. In the West, occultists were persecuted quite openly andtheir activities made illegal by governments. This did not happen to nearly the sameextent in the East; in fact, the leaders of many Eastern religious sects often preach thatmonks and nuns who specialize in practices that many Westerners would calloccultism are especially devout and worthy of veneration.However, even though Eastern occult masters – Yogis, Tantrists, Taoists ZenMasters, etc. – are often publicly venerated as being holy and spiritually advanced,few of the people who honor them actually imitate their beliefs and practices. BothEastern and Western occultists are seeking spiritual development, whereas mainstreambelievers in both parts of the world look forward to divine salvation. Such disciplinesas Yoga, Tantra, Zen Meditation, etc., are intended to strengthen and enlighten the
- 39 -soul, much as a person gains strength and learns motor skills through physical trainingand exercise. Traditional Western occultism teaches exactly the same things underdifferent names: i.e. divination, spiritual healing, ritual magic, alchemy, etc.The key to understanding all these practices is that they are things people do onthe purely physical, intellectual, or emotional level, under control of the consciouswill. They are intended to have a beneficial effect on the soul allowing the person touse various psychic senses and powers to learn about the nature of spiritual reality. Inother words, the basic postulate is that an individual can become an adept or saint byhis or her own efforts, as one would learn athletic or professional skills. This is apurely humanistic concept: the application of the “doctrine of human perfectibility” tospiritual and psychic development.The viewpoint of both the Eastern and Western mainstream religious system isexactly the opposite of that: people are innately inferior spiritually, and the only waythey can make progress is by pleasing the gods enough to receive their “grace.”Exactly what people must do to receive this favor varies from sect to sect in both Eastand West, but it usually involves attending religious services regularly and performingvarious ritual acts.The next three chapters will describe some of the ideas I was exposed to justbefore I made the breakthrough.
- 40 -
Chapter 6: Passport to Paranoia
 During the early Eighties, I made a serious effort to identify the spiritual forcesthat seemed to be having an ever-increasing effect on society. When I startedsystematically reading the literature on this subject, both fiction and non-fiction, Ifound several consistent patterns in it. The most obvious was what people in theSixties Movement called “paranoia.” This is not the mental disease described inpsychology texts, which involves uncontrollable emotions of fear over imaginarydangers, but the intellectual conclusion that something you dislike is about to happen,even though you can’t actually prove it. Most “paranoia” of this type in the SixtiesMovement was focused on harassment of the counterculture by the government orprivate individuals; the “paranoid” ideas discussed in this chapter focus mostly on theconcept that unknown forces are manipulating the course of human history indirections that seem sinister and frightening.One of my starting points was to re-examine the work of Charles Fort, thefounder of modern research into unexplained phenomena. Starting with
 Book of the Damned in
1918, he was the first to publish many of the simplest and most obviousexplanations for a number of strange occurrences. For example, he proposed that theinhabitants of other worlds might be visiting the Earth in space ships long before theterms “flying saucer” and “UFO” were invented, and he also speculated that we mightbe receiving visitations from the future or from other dimensions.Fort didn’t assume, as did most of the UFO researchers in the Fifties, that thesevisitations represented mere scientific exploration, but speculated that the visitors hadselfish reasons for coming to Earth. He said that “certain esoteric ones” throughouthistory have received “messages from elsewhere,” and hinted that these have helpedshape modern civilization. I assumed he was talking about the Invisible College andthe Eighteenth-century Freemasons and Rosicrucians, but his mentions of this subjectare all quite vague.However, Fort’s negative speculations were more numerous than his positiveones. He is widely quoted as saying, “I think we are property. Someone owns us,”and for his further speculations that these “proprietors” have always had willingcollaborators on Earth, “a cult or order, members of which function as bellwethers tothe rest of us...” At his most morbid, he compares us not to “property,” but to “cattle.”– a dark hint that the mysterious outsiders might slaughter Earth people for food or“diabolical experiments.”I found the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, who wrote at about the same time asFort, to be both more interesting and more disturbing. His horror tales make utterlygrotesque monsters seem entirely real to the reader, as if the author himself believedwhat he was writing. The basic theme of most of Lovecraft’s stories is the persecutionof his characters by evil, superhuman beings called the “Great Old Ones.” Sometimesthey are described as physical beings with octopus-like bodies, but in other storiesthey seem to be non-corporeal. Lovecraft frequently describes them with phrases suchas “Dead Cthulhu lies dreaming.”
- 41 -The human characters in his stories are scientists or occultists who deliberatelyor accidentally release some of the Great Old Ones from captivity, often by recitingmagic spells from a fictional occult text called the Necronomicon, which means “book of the names of the dead.” Once released, Cthulhu and his cohorts often devour boththe body and the soul of the unfortunate magician; and if they remain on Earth verylong, they cause children in the area to be born as deformed monsters.One of the things that make Lovecraft’s stories more terrifying than most horrorfiction is that they have little heroism and very few happy endings. There is noexorcist to drive out the Devil, no Dr. Van Helsing to drive a stake through thevampire’s heart. Instead, the story ends when the protagonist dies or is driven mad,leaving the reader to wonder if the Great Old Ones are still loose, and whether they’lleventually destroy the world if they are.What do these morbid horror stories have to do with spiritual knowledge andoccult secrets? In terms of the plots of the stories themselves, nothing. However,anyone with sufficient conscious mediumistic powers to receive messages from thespirit-world with any regularity finds certain details in Lovecraft’s horror talesdisturbingly familiar. Some of the “evil spirits” commonly contacted on the astralplane express many of the same thoughts as Lovecraft’s Great Old Ones, andnumerous “Lost Souls” – spirits at a low level of development who seem to be havingtrouble adjusting to life after death – sound just like the hapless victims in the stories.My conclusion from this was simply that Lovecraft, like Shaver, channeled a lot of thedetails in his stories from the spirit-world.Of course, the most important question still remained: exactly who originates thetelepathic messages that frighten people like Lovecraft and Shaver into writingfantastic fiction? I couldn’t find real answers from the details in Lovecraft’s storiesany more than I could from Shaver’s, because I had no theoretical frame of referenceto fit the information into. Nothing theorized by Fort, Shaver, Lovecraft, or anyoneelse was helpful in interpreting this kind of data.The work of a more recent imaginative writer, William S. Burroughs, proved tobe of greater use. Even though Burroughs’ name is synonymous in the public mindwith chaotic avant-garde writing and with “the author as junkie and madman,” hiswork is easier to read and contains more useful knowledge about the spiritualconspiracies I was looking for than that of Lovecraft or Shaver. One of the majorthemes that run through his books is that mysterious “agents” are working tomanipulate the course of human history. Burroughs assumes that not all agents are onthe same side, though he never clearly reveals how many different factions areinvolved or what their ideologies are. He does hint from time to time that some of theagents are extraterrestrials, or perhaps beings from other dimensions.He also makes it clear that one of their chief duties involves reprogramming theminds of individual Earth people, manipulating their emotions and thoughts alongdesired lines. In most of his books, Burroughs describes this as being done on astrictly physical level: through violence, intimidation, bribery, or just plain “hard sell”persuasion. Both psychedelics like LSD and hard drugs like heroin are also widelyused by the agents to alter people’s consciousness in connection with other means of 
- 42 -manipulation. There is frequent mention of telepathy and other psychic powers, butthey are usually described in vague terms.One idea of his that seemed to resolve some of the paradoxes and contradictionsin the body of information available about conspiracies and telepathic mind-controlwas the concept of “conscious” and “unconscious” agents. I found the idea that agentscan vary in consciousness to be very useful. A simple example of how the“consciousness of agents” operates can be drawn from real-world espionage. Forexample, take a low-level CIA agent whose immediate superior and control is adouble agent. Now, the second agent’s role is complex enough; he’s playing bothsides, and perhaps actually favoring one of them over the other. But the first agent’srole is in a totally different category: he or she is functioning as a double agent withoutknowing it. A lie-detector test would affirm this agent’s loyalty to the CIA, yet theperson’s actual work could all be against the interests of that organization.Burroughs uses this kind of power structure in a much more complex form todescribe the conspiracies that are trying to alter the course of human history in variousdirections. Most of his agents are unconscious, in the sense that they don’t know whois giving them orders or even what they’re trying to accomplish. They simply do whatthey’re told, for pay, out of fear, or for less explicable reasons.On the other hand, many of the agents in the Burroughs stories are conscious inthe sense that they believe they’re working for some definite organization or cause.However, the conscious agents very often seem to be in the same mess as theunfortunate spy we mentioned earlier. The reader is given reason to doubt that theorganization the agent is working for is actually what it purports to be.In itself, this concept does not sound very important, but I made a lot moreprogress after I started using it. When most people look for conspiracies, they assumethat the conspirators know what they’re doing and approve. This, in turn, means thatconspiracies have to make at least rough sense in terms of motivation and self-interest.And I hadn’t found out much during all my years of looking for negative conspiraciesthat furthered the interests of the people in them.Here are a couple of quotations to illustrate Burroughs’s style and some of hismajor themes. I will begin with one from his first published book,
 Naked Lunch
 Naked Lunch
is a blueprint, a How-To Book ... How-to extend levels of experience by opening the door at the end of a long hall... Doors that only open inSilence into vast, other planet landscapes ...
 Naked Lunch
demands Silence from TheReader. Otherwise he is taking his own pulse .... There is only one thing a writer canwrite about: what is in front of his senses at the moment of writing.... I am a recordinginstrument .... The Word is divided into units which be all in one piece and should beso taken, but the pieces can be had in any order being tied up back and forth ....This isRevelation and Prophecy of what I can pick up without FM ....Chicago calling...comein please. A mighty wet place, reader .... Possession they call it... The AnsweringService... Wrong! I am never here .... Never that is fully in possession, but somehowin a position to forestall ill advised moves ... Patrolling is, in fact, my principaloccupation ... ‘What Are You Doing Here? Who Are You? ... You were not there
- 43 -for the Beginning. You will not be there for The End...Your knowledge of what isgoing on can only be superficial and relative’...most of them don’t want to know...andyou can’t tell them anything...”Next, here are some excerpts from one of his latest books,
The Place of Dead Roads
 (1983):“Kim Carsons does he exist? His existence, like any existence, is inferential... thetraces he leaves behind him... fossils... fading violet photos, old newspaper clippingsshredding to yellow dust...And this book. He exists in these pages as Lord Jim, theGreat Gatsby, Comus Bassington, live and breathe in a writer’s prose, in the care,love, and dedication that evoke them: the flawed, doomed, but undefeated, radiantheroes who attempted the impossible, stormed the citadels of heaven, took the lastchance on the last and greatest of human dreams, the punch-drunk fighter who comesup off the floor to win by a knock-out, the horse that comes from last to win in thestretch, assassins of Hassan i Sabbah, Master of Assassins, agents of Humwawa, Lordof Abominations, Lord of Decay, Lord of the Future, of Pan, God of Panic, of theBlack Hole, where no physical laws apply, agents of a singularity. Those who areready to leave the whole human comedy behind and walk into the unknown with nocommitments. Those who have not from birth sniffed such embers, what have they todo with us? Only those who are ready to leave behind everything and everybody theyhave ever known need apply. No one who applies will be disqualified. No one CANapply unless he is ready. Over the hills and far away to the Western lands. Anybodygets in your way, KILL. You will have to kill on the way out because this planet is apenal colony and nobody is allowed to leave. Kill all the guards and walk…Ghostwritten by William Hall, punch-drunk fighter, a shadowyfigure to win in the answer, Master of Assassins, Death for hiscredentials, Lord of “Quien Es?” Who is it? Kim, ka of Pan, God of Panic. Greatest of human dreams, Quien Es? The horse that comesfrom there, who is it? Lord of the future son, does he exist? Inferentialagents of a singularity, the fossils fading leave the whole humancomedy shredding to yellow dust... Unknown with no commitmentsfrom birth. No one can apply unless he breathes in a writer’s prosehills and faraway Western Lands .... Radiant heroes, storm the citadel...Kill the last guards and walk. Guns glint in the sun, powder smokedrifts from the pages as the Old West goes into a penny-ante peepshow, false fronts, a phantom buckboard... The Lords have lived heresince time began. To go on living one must do things that you Earthpeople call ‘evil.’ It is the price of immortality... I cannot save yourcompanions... they are already dead... Worse than dead. They arealready eaten: body and soul.John Keel is another writer whose theories seem quite paranoid on the surface butproved very helpful to me in making the breakthrough. He is the Ufologist whoclaimed back in the Sixties that mysterious “Men in Black” often pose as governmentagents and harass people who have seen UFOs to keep them from talking about theirexperiences. A major theme in all of his books is that the U.S. Government, and other
- 44 -governments all over the world, deliberately interfere with independent UFOinvestigations and make a major effort to cover up the truth about UFOs.I agree that there have been cover-ups and interference with private Ufologists,but I don’t accept Keel’s conclusion that they are proof that governments have hardevidence that physical UFOs and aliens exist. I’ve come to the opposite conclusionfrom the same evidence, because my long experience as a political radical has taughtme that modern Western governments are just as afraid of the people as the people areof them. I think the cover-ups conceal ignorance, not knowledge.I also agree with Keel that government and military officials have often lied tothe public by claiming that all official UFO investigations have been discontinued forlack of evidence that the phenomenon is real. The government’s own recordsdocument quite clearly that the military, as well as various police and intelligenceagencies, has been investigating UFOs very seriously since 1948, and that theseinvestigations continue right down to the present. What has all this expensivebureaucratic investigation learned about UFOs? I suspect that the government filescontain roughly the same type of information, as do the private UFO investigators’files, except that there’s more of it and it’s written in different jargon.I believe that if the government had definitive information about the nature of UFOs, someone would have leaked it long ago, as Daniel Ellsberg did with thePentagon Papers. However, I do believe that government investigators are able to findenough information to keep them convinced that there is something real and importantbehind the phenomenon. So the investigations continue, and the government coversup their magnitude to prevent public criticism for spending so much tax moneywithout discovering any real answers to the UFO mystery.In
The Eighth Tower 
(1975), Keel concluded that UFO contact reports had acommon origin with certain very intense religious and occult experiences, such asvisitations from gods, angels, or demons. He postulated that the cause of all theseevents is a natural phenomenon, which he names the “Superspectrum.” Keel’sSuperspectrum seems to be based loosely on Jung’s concept that the human racepossesses a “collective unconscious,” but he carries the idea much further than Jungdid. Jung had conceived of the collective unconscious only as a body of informationstored in the subconscious minds of many different individuals that causes all of themto think or behave in similar ways.Keel carries this concept much further, and postulates that the Superspectruminvolves specialized forms of matter and energy unknown to present-day science. Heborrows concepts from occultism and coins scientific-sounding new terms to describethem. His Superspectrum simply seems to be another way of saying “influence byspiritual beings and psychic powers.” However, he doesn’t conclude that theSuperspectrum is a being or group of beings, as the occultists usually do with theirconcepts of gods, demons, and spirits. Instead, it is simply a kind of naturalphenomenon with a “computer-like intelligence.The next writer I discuss hasresearched this same line of reasoning even further.In one sense, it’s an insult to Jacques Vallee to discuss his works in a chaptercalled “Passport to Paranoia,” because his approach to Ufology has always been as
- 45 -rational and scientific as that of anyone in the field; but his books from the Sixties andSeventies show a pattern that fits right into what I’ve been describing here. WhenVallee started his investigations in the Sixties, his working hypothesis assumed thatUFOs were a physical phenomenon: either extraterrestrial spaceships or advancedflying machines built on Earth. However, in 1969 Vallee published
Passport to Magonia
, in which he reluctantly admits that many accounts of UFO sightings and“close encounters” with their occupants resemble religious and mystical experiencesmore than they do observations of physical events. He obviously didn’t want to dothis, but he really had no choice if he wanted to remain truly scientific and empirical inhis methods, because that’s where the information he was gathering led him.After investigating hundreds of such cases, Vallee concluded that the earlyUfologists had not been truly scientific when they dismissed UFO contact stories ashoaxes or hallucinations. Professional psychologists have tested many contactees withpolygraphs, hypnosis, “truth” drugs, and a wide variety of psychoanalytic techniques,and have concluded that they are neither lying nor showing recognizable symptoms of psychotic delusion. Vallee also learned that contactees all over the world, regardlessof their background knowledge of the subject or their personality type, receivedsimilar information from the “space people” and underwent similar personalitychanges afterwards. This lead him to believe that “close encounters” with UFOs arenot a purely subjective psychological phenomenon, but have an objective cause.However, he didn’t find the “close encounter” stories consistent enough in theirdetails to allow him to simply take them literally and conclude that the contactees hadindeed met extraterrestrials face-to-face or been inside physical space ships. Instead,much of the evidence concerning UFO-encounters resembled descriptions of psychicand spiritual phenomena in occult literature. This introduced a further complication;Jacques Vallee is one of the world’s best-known computer experts, and he did notwant to jeopardize his reputation with the scientific establishment by using termsdrawn from occultism or religion to describe the phenomena he was studying. Soinstead of talking openly about telepathy, spirits, etc., he invented a jargon of his ownto describe the same concepts.As Vallee’s investigations went further, he gradually formed the opinion that thecontactee phenomenon represents interference in human affairs by essentially benignforces. In 1975, he published
The Invisible College
, in which he recounts further casesof mental reprogramming through UFO encounters and cites evidence that similarencounters with “mysterious visitors” have been occurring for hundreds of years. Hementions that secret conspiracies may have influenced the development of modernscience and political theory while working through the Masonic and Rosicrucianlodges of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries.The name of the book is derived from the use of the term “Invisible College” todescribe some of these secret societies, but Vallee doesn’t emphasize that most writerswho’ve used it were occultists and have assumed that the Invisible Collegeindoctrinated people using psychic powers and occult rituals. Instead, he postulatesthat the Invisible College employed methods similar to those used by modernbehavioral psychologists, based entirely on operant conditioning by physical means.
- 46 -
The Invisible College
also contains some interesting speculation about thepurpose of the mental reprogramming received by UFO contactees. For example, themajority crone away from their experience believing that a higher power had chosenthem to play a special role in advancing human civilization. They seemed filled withhope, optimism, and creative energy, expressing the belief that contactees are going tohelp the “Space Brothers” lead the human race into a New Age in which Earth willtake its place among the advanced civilizations of the universe.The specific elements of ideology advocated by the contactees were completelyfamiliar to me: world peace, universal brotherhood, and social justice. They alsotalked about the general concept that the Sixties counterculture called “consciousnessexpansion,” especially forms of it achieved without using psychedelic drugs, but theyusually expressed it in terms that wouldn’t directly identify them with the controversyover drugs and hippies. It was immediately obvious to me that this was just anotherform of the “Aquarian Age Message,” phrased in terms of space-traveling aliens andgalactic civilizations instead of the terminology of the counterculture.However, by 1979, when Vallee published
 Messengers of Deception
, heapparently had changed his opinions on UFOs to something approaching those JohnKeel had expressed in
The Eighth Tower 
. Vallee had become extremely disillusionedwith the whole concept of mysterious conspiracies that meddled in earthly affairs andtried to change the course of history by reprogramming the minds of individuals. Hewas more convinced than ever that such conspiracies existed, but had gone fromconsidering them beneficial to condemning them as evil.He described how some of the UFO contactees had founded cults that resembled“high-demand religion”. Some leaders of contact cults were saying “democracy isobsolete,” and becoming despots over their groups. A few had taken reactionarystands on social and political issues that resembled the views traditionally held byFundamentalist churches. Others reminded him of the Nazis by saying that contacteesare a “master race” with extraterrestrial blood in their veins. Above all, he wasdisturbed to see contact-cult members running their lives according to messagespassed to the leaders from “space people” instead of thinking for themselves.
 Messengers of Deception
contains a possible explanation for the whole UFO andcontact-cult phenomenon that is very similar to Keel’s Superspectrum.“I believe there is a system around us that transcends time as it transcends space. Iremain confident that human knowledge is capable of understanding this larger reality.I suspect that some humans have already understood it, and are showing their hand inseveral aspects of the UFO encounters.”Vallee isn’t certain who these people are, only that they don’t seem to bephysical extraterrestrials or supermen. He speculates they might be governmentintelligence agents, especially of the CIA and KGB, or perhaps members of extra-governmental conspiracies like the hypothetical “Illuminati.” Whoever they maybe, he doesn’t like them.However, Vallee seems to have changed his mind again during the Eightiesand decided that there are several different factions of secret manipulators, somegood, some evil. The main reason for this change is apparently that he has started
- 47 -working with Robert Anton Wilson, who has held the “good guys and bad guys”view of the whole thing for years, as I describe in the next chapter.
- 48 -
Chapter 7: The Invisible War
 This chapter discusses various books that treat the manipulation of humansociety by unseen agencies as a complex “invisible war” between opposing forces,starting with the works of Robert Anton Wilson. In my opinion, his most useful ideasare in the
trilogy, written in collaboration with Robert Shea and publishedin 1975. On the surface, the three books are an avant-garde political allegory that usesthe concept of the “Illuminati” and conspiracy theories in general as a medium forcommunicating the author’s ideas about freedom and totalitarianism. The trilogy’spolitical content has made it a classic of the modern Libertarian movement, but thematerial on conspiracies also deserves to be taken seriously.Wilson was originally trained as a historian, and did years of serious butsporadic research on the Illuminati and related topics just to satisfy his own curiosity,so the trilogy contains enough solid conspiracy information to fill several nonfictionbooks of average size. However, since the conspiracy speculations are embedded in awork of fiction that depends on heavy-handed irony and morbid humor for much of itsappeal, it’s impossible for the reader to tell when Wilson is being serious and whenhe’s writing for empty shock value.In
Cosmic Trigger 
(1977), Wilson explains how and why the
 trilogy was written, and states that he wasn’t completely aware himself when he wasspeculating seriously, and when he was just recording “wild ideas.” The book alsoexplains that he was experimenting with psychedelic drugs and a variety of seriousoccult practices – sex magic, various forms of meditation and ritual, etc. – while hewas writing
Since these practices develop the psychic powers, he mayhave received more of his ideas and conclusions by telepathy than he has everadmitted or consciously realized.Wilson’s basic speculations about the agencies responsible for the manipulationof human history down through the ages are similar to those advanced by Shaver,Keel, and Vallee; but since he’s writing fiction, he isn’t forced to keep them internallyconsistent. Many different characters in the three books “discover the truth about theIlluminati,” and each person’s version of it totally contradicts that of all the others.Some of these explanations of the nature of the Illuminati are familiar to readersof other conspiracy and unexplained-phenomena books; others are wilder thananything ever presented as fact or serious speculation. Wilson postulates that the“Lliogor” (the name is from Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos) are the ultimate source of the knowledge and power used to manipulate human society and reprogram individualminds throughout history. As in Lovecraft, they are shadowy beings that usuallyremain in the background in “another dimension,” and most of the earthly conspiraciesare the work of humans who have learned some of their knowledge second-hand.One of Wilson’s characters describes the process that transforms a person intoan “Illuminatus”:
- 49 -“It’s possible for humans, given the right methods, to translate themselves intosentient lattice works of pure energy that will be more or less permanent. The processis called transcendental illumination. Mass human sacrifice is the most reliablemethod of achieving transcendental illumination.”Wilson was referring to this passage when he said in
Cosmic Trigger 
, “I hadalready incorporated into
a variation on the Lovecraft mythos... inwhich the “Cthulhu Cult’ or some other secret society was aiding the schemes of hostile Aliens. I had attached this theme to the Illuminati as a kind of dead-pan put-on and laughed like hell at the thought that some naive readers would be dumbenough to believe it.” However, he then goes on to explain that working withJacques Vallee, other unexplained-phenomena researchers, and various occultistshad started him to thinking that maybe the whole idea wasn’t so ridiculous after all.
Cosmic Trigger 
also contains a quotation from a conversation Wilson had in1974 with Grady McMurty, an occultist whom Aleister Crowley had designated asone of his chosen successors. McMurty, who had read much of the secret knowledgeof the OTO and the Order of the Golden Dawn, had said:“I’ll tell you what I think. There’s WAR IN HEAVEN. The Higher Intelligences,whoever they are, aren’t all playing on the same team. Some of them are trying toencourage our evolution to higher levels, and some of them want to keep us stuck justwhere we are.”One of the characters in
also describes a connection betweenconspiracies and organized religion:“I must tell you now that your God is a manifestation of some Lliogor. That is howreligion began, and how their servants in the Cult of the Yellow Sign continue it. Allsuch experiences come from the Lliogor to enslave us. Revelations, visions, trances,and miracles, all of it is a trap.... Every religious leader in human history has been amember of the Cult of the Yellow Sign and all of their efforts are devoted to hoaxing,deluding, and enslaving the rest of us.”Another major theme in
Cosmic Trigger 
is Wilson’s involvement with the“Sirius Mystery,” which many people now believe represents impressive evidence thatspace travelers from that star visited Earth in the time of the Pharaohs. Since I willpresent an alternative explanation for this evidence in Part Two, I won’t go into thedetails presented in Robert K. G. Temple’s
The Sirius Mystery
(1979). What’simportant for my purposes here is that Robert Anton Wilson and a number of otherpeople started consciously receiving telepathic messages concerning Sirius yearsbefore Temple’s book was written.In 1973, Wilson received a short but extremely vivid telepathic message thatsaid simply, “Sirius is very important.” Almost simultaneously, Timothy Leary, whowas in prison at the time, received a long series of telepathic communications that alsopurported to be from extraterrestrials. Leary called these the “StarseedTransmissions,” and had them published almost immediately in
Terra II 
Terra II 
seemed to contain a serious attempt by some unknown agency tocommunicate extremely advanced spiritual and scientific knowledge, but I completelyfailed to understand most of it. I concluded that the book may very well have
- 50 -contained messages from an advanced extraterrestrial civilization; but if so, they werenot clear enough for me, or for most Earth people, to comprehend.I now know that the same general group of extraterrestrial spirits who dictatedthe material for
to me ten years later had previously sent the “StarseedTransmissions” to Leary. And Wilson’s message about Sirius had the same origin.And some of John C. Lilly’s books also contain material channeled from the sanesource:
Center of the Cyclone
The Programming and Metaprogramming of the Human Biocomputer 
, and
The Scientist: A Novel Autobiography
(1978). The spiritsthemselves will explain more about this in Part Two.Another conspiracy theory that helped me make the breakthrough is described in
 Holy Blood, Holy Grail
(1982) by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and HenryLincoln. The basic premise of the book is that the medieval Knights Templarpossessed knowledge that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene; that he leftdescendants who married into various European royal families; and that this “holybloodline” can be traced down to the present day.I was already familiar with this legend because it has been part of the secretdoctrine of the Gnostics and other Christian splinter groups for many centuries, andthere are numerous references to it in occult literature; but the subject had neverinterested me until the authors of 
 Holy Blood, Holy Grail
analyzed it seriously as aconspiracy theory. They made me realize that there’s more to the story than justanother religious myth. The legend itself may or may not be based in fact, but theconspiracies it has generated seem to be real and important.The book traces the history of a secret society called the “Priory of Zion” frommedieval times to the present, noting its influence on the Templars, on the Masonicand Rosicrucian lodges of the seventeenth century, and on the evolution of Westernsociety in general. The book documents the existence of the Priory fairly well, but itdoesn’t even try to present evidence to prove the validity of the basic premise thatJesus left descendants. The authors are more concerned with the nature of the Prioryand its influence over historical events. And this is why the book was important inhelping prepare me for the breakthrough: it helped me gain some deep insight intohow the Invisible College has worked to manipulate the course of Western history.The authors of 
 Holy Blood, Holy Grail
were mostly concerned with themembers of the Priory of Zion as what William Burroughs would call “consciousagents.” They may or may not have believed that their secret knowledge about thedescendants of Jesus was true, but they were fully conscious of the political power itgave them over a civilization that accepted the “divine right of kings.” However, myown reaction to the story was to analyze it on deeper levels, trying to find a conspiracybehind the Priory that its members weren’t consciously aware of.Here are some of my speculations. What if the story about the descendants of Jesus was simply a cover story to keep people from seriously looking for an even moreimportant secret? Maybe the Priory possessed some of the “Q Documents” (the losttexts that many Biblical scholars think several books of the New Testament werecopied from). Perhaps these had been kept hidden by a secret society because theiraccount of the origins of Christianity was very different from that now accepted by
- 51 -Christians. For example, what would be the impact on modern Christianity if it werelearned that they state explicitly that Jesus never claimed to be the “Only BegottenSon of God,” but merely a human prophet?Even if the Templars didn’t unearth actual copies of the Q documents inJerusalem, it’s likely they talked to Jewish and Islamic scholars and found out thatcertain Talmudic texts written in the first centuries of the Christian era deny thedivinity of Jesus. This might have given them the idea of forging ancient documentsproving the Gnostic claim that Jesus left descendants and denying fundamental tenetsof Christianity. Such documents, real or faked, would have given the Priory of Zion apotent weapon for political manipulation.They could have set themselves up as king-makers by claiming to have proof that certain rulers were of divine descent, but they’d also have a more potent weaponthan that to use against kings and the Church alike: the potential to debunk Christianity and plunge all of Western society into chaos. Thinking about thisreminded me that in the fifteen years before
 Holy Blood, Holy Grail
was published,dozens of novels were written on the general theme of the discovery of the Qdocuments and their political use by conspiracies. Irving Wallace’s
The Word 
is thebest known of these. Had the Invisible College motivated all these books by sendingout telepathic messages on this subject? If they had, I didn’t receive them, which isunderstandable because I had little interest in the subject until I read
 Holy Blood, HolyGrail
.I found out when I made the breakthrough that this line of conjecture was on theright track, but it didn’t go far enough. The “Great Secret” of the medieval Priory of Zion, which was passed on through the Templars to the eighteenth-century Masonsand Rosicrucians, was a cosmological theory similar to the one presented in Part Two.I describe this information in terms drawn from modern physics, psychology, etc.,which didn’t exist back then. The Priory’s version was undoubtedly phrased in verydifferent words and analogies drawn from religious and occult mysticism, but many of the essential facts were probably the same. This is why a number of occult booksassert, “The Great Secret reveals the true nature of gods and men and the relationshipbetween the two.”
 Holy Blood, Holy Grail
was only one of many books that helped to raise myconsciousness to the point where I could make a breakthrough. A number of recentworks of speculative fiction were also useful. Among the best are Doris Lessing’s
Canopus in Argos: Archives
series (starting with
, 1979), which treats thegeneral subject of extraterrestrial intervention in earthly affairs as thoroughly as it’sever been covered in either fiction or non-fiction. One of the best things about hertheories is that she doesn’t even try to keep them self-consistent, but dramatizes manydifferent alternatives that can be deduced from the available factual information on thesubject.Here is a quotation from another of her novels,
 Briefing for a Descent Into Hell
 (1971):“At the risk of boring you, I must repeat, I am afraid, repeat, reiterate, reemphasize, itis not a question of your arriving on Planet Earth as you leave here. You will lose
- 52 -nearly all memory of your past existence. You will each of you come to yourselves,perhaps alone, perhaps in the company of each other, but with only a vague feeling of recognition, and probably disassociated, disorientated, ill, discouraged, and unable tobelieve, when you are told what your task really is. You will wake up, as it were, butthere will be a period while you are waking which will be like the recovery from anillness, or like the emergence into good air from a poisoned one. Some of you maychoose not to wake, for the waking will be so painful, and the knowledge of yourcondition and Earth’s condition so agonizing, you will be like drug addicts: you mayprefer to continue to breathe in oblivion. And when you have understood that you arein the process of awakening, that you have something to get done, you will haveabsorbed enough of the characteristics of Earthmen to be distrustful, surly, grudging,suspicious. You will be like a drowning person who drowns his rescuer, so violentlywill you struggle in your panic terror.“And, when you have become aroused to your real condition, andhave recovered from the shame or embarrassment of seeing to whatdepths you have sunk, you will then begin the task of arousing others,and you will find that you are in the position of rescuer of a drowningperson, or a doctor in a city that has an epidemic of madness. Thedrowning person wants to be rescued, but can’t prevent himself struggling. The mad person has intermittent fits of sanity, but inbetween behaves as if his doctor were his enemy.“And so, my friends: that’s it. That’s my message to you. It’sgoing to be tough. Every bit as tough as you expect.”During the period immediately before my breakthrough, I re-read several olderworks of speculative fiction. Here’s a quotation from Colin Wilson’s
The Mind Parasites
(1967):“We now had an important clue about the origin of the parasites.... They couldn’texist apart from mankind because they were mankind. And it was this that brought anew level of knowledge. When I had said to them. ‘Man is not alone,’ I hadunderstood what I meant, but all its implications were not clear to me; I was speakingabout the source of power, meaning and purpose. Now I realized that, in a far moreobvious and simple sense, we were not alone. We had joined the police of theuniverse, and there were others. Our minds now made instant contact with theseothers. It was as if we had sent out a signal, which had instantly been picked up by ahundred receivers, who immediately signaled their presence back to us. The nearest of these receivers was situated only about four thousand million miles away, a cruisingship from a planet in the Proxima Centauri system.”And it’s not just speculative fiction by mainstream avant-garde writers thathelped prepare me for the breakthrough. Literally hundreds of books written duringthe last ten years in the science fiction and fantasy fields contain a few paragraphs or afew lines of useful material. Here’s an illustration from a realistic modern fantasy:
 Mystery Walk 
(1983), by Robert R. McCaramon:“Why does it hate us?”“Because it’s a greedy beast that uses fear to make itself stronger. It feeds like a hogat a trough on the human emotions of despair, torment, and confusion; sometimes it
- 53 -traps revenants, and won’t let them break away from this world. It feeds on theirsouls, and if there’s a Hell, I suppose that must be it. But when we work to free thoserevenants, to take their suffering into ourselves and do something constructive with it,we steal from the shape changer’s dinner table. We sent those poor souls onward towhere the shape changer can’t get at them anymore.”Many occult books written for the general reader during the last fifteen years containsimilar material. The dozen or so
Oversoul Seven
books produced by JaneRoberts during this whole period are an example, as are the recent works of RuthMontgomery and Brad Steiger.I’ll finish this series of quotations with a couple from works that were published after Istarted making my personal breakthrough in 1983. The ideas they communicate werepublished earlier in less explicit form, so I was already vaguely familiar with them in1983, but I feel this chapter will be more effective if I quote the best version of thematerial now available.First, from Carlos Castaneda’s
The Fire Within
(1985):“...They SAW that it is the Eagle who bestows awareness. The Eagle creates sentientbeings so that they will live and enrich the awareness it gives them with life. Theyalso SAW that it is the Eagle who devours that same enriched awareness after makingsentient beings relinquish it at the moment of their death.... Sentient beings live onlyto enrich the awareness that is the Eagle’s food.”And I’ll end with a paragraph from
 Extra-Terrestrials Among Us
by George C.Andrews:“Human psychic energy may be the equivalent of rocket fuel or cocaine to inhabitantsof other dimensions. Seen from this angle, the otherwise senseless wars between thedevotees of different jealous gods which have recurred constantly throughout humanhistory take on a rational motivation. It would explain why such extraordinaryimportance has been accorded to the individual’s choice of which deity to worship.By worshipping a specific deity, one channels psychic energy in a specific direction...”I acknowledge that all the people mentioned in this chapter so far, and many others aswell, contributed to the background knowledge that helped me to understand the spiritcommunications quoted in Part Two. I found useful ideas in literally hundreds of different books and articles; the works mentioned here are just a sample to show thewide variety of sources where such information can be found. I can’t single out one ora few as being more important to this process than the others. The significant items of information and theory in the works of all these authors are present only as isolatedpassages embedded in material of much less value.I had constant psychic guidance from my spirit guides while I researched this material,and this helped me to recognize what was valid and relevant from what wasn’t. Myselection of the material for this chapter is intended to help the reader to extractapproximately the same information from this literature as I did. I’ll continue thisprocess further in the next chapter.
- 54 -
Chapter 8: The Breaking Point
 Although much of the material that helped prepare me for the breakthrough wasdirectly devoted to occult or unexplained-phenomena themes, the books most valuableto me in the last year or so before I made it were works on psychology, behavioralscience, political theory and philosophy, and the history of natural science. Some of these were standard works in their field, whereas others were more speculative, suchas Colin Wilson’s history of astronomy,
Star Seekers
, and Jeffrey Goodman’s book onhuman evolution,
The Genesis Mystery
.One of the questions I kept asking during my reading was, “Since I find itobvious that there is sufficient empirical evidence to prove that reincarnation and otherspiritual phenomena are real, why haven’t more scientists come to this sameconclusion?” I already knew that most materialistic scientists would answer that mymethods of investigation, and those of everyone else who has drawn similarconclusions, simply aren’t scientific. However, the more I studied the history andmethods of science, the more convinced I became that there really is a materialisticbias in science: a literal closing of people’s minds to factual evidence if it concernsspirituality.Colin Wilson’s
Star Seekers
(1980) is an excellent starting point for readers whowant to duplicate some of my research along these lines. He provides the evidence tosupport all the major points of my conclusions, though he did not actually make themhimself.The materialistic bias in science seems to have originated no earlier than theSixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, simultaneously with the Protestant Reformationin Christianity, the beginning of the Age of Discovery, the rise of the modern nation-states, etc. All these changes in Western civilization mark the transition between theMedieval Era and the Modern Era, and can be attributed directly or indirectly to asudden increase in the general level of technology.Most of these technological innovations were small in themselves, and manywere made by ordinary people – farmers, sailors, artisans, etc. – rather than byintellectuals. They were things with immediate practical use, like better plows,harness, wagons, water mills, spinning and weaving devices, sails and rigging-plansfor ships, etc. They included gunpowder, the eyeglass lenses that led to the telescopeand microscope, better methods of preserving food, and many other things. Takentogether, they produced profound demographic, economic, and political changes inEuropean society.A full description of the sudden progress of European society at that time isbeyond the scope of this book. The change that interests us here is the shift in thebalance of power from the Catholic Church to secular institutions of all types. Whenthe northern half of Europe became Protestant, organized religion in that region lostdirect control over government, the economy, education, science, and most otherimportant social institutions. The Protestant churches still exerted a major influenceover society in Northern Europe, but they didn’t control the crowning of kings, the
- 55 -running of schools and universities, the certification of doctors and lawyers, thewriting and circulation of books, etc., to nearly the extent that the Catholic Church haddominated them in the Medieval times.In the southern part of Europe, which remained Catholic, the beginning of theModern Era also weakened the control of the Church over secular institutions, but theprocess was more gradual. The efforts of the Church to retain its control over socialand political institutions in Catholic countries are plainly described in history books,but the actual motivations of the Popes and other Catholic leaders are not so obvious.The series of events that I call the Copernican Compromise, which created thematerialistic bias in Western science, is an example: it is easy enough to see whathappened, but harder to figure out why. Until the first half of the Seventeenth century,when Galileo was prosecuted by Pope Urban VIII for supporting the Copernicanastronomical theory, European scientists had not yet been put in a category separatefrom other intellectuals doing research into the nature of the universe. They were allcalled simply “philosophers,” and one person might do research in many differentfields: botany, medicine, astronomy, astrology, theology, and even ceremonial magic.Individual philosophers were sometimes persecuted, even put to death, forpublishing or teaching ideas that displeased the Church authorities, but there was nogeneralized prohibition of research into what is now called occultism. Philosopherscould study the “natural” and “supernatural” aspects of the universe with equalfreedom as long as they remained good Catholics and didn’t challenge the doctrines,customs, or political structure of the Church.Most astronomers were also astrologers. Physicians dispensed as many healingprayers as they did pills, and practiced “laying on of hands” as freely as they setbroken bones or bandaged wounds. One writer might produce bestiaries, herbals, andcatalogues of the different types of demons and angels. The books written by themedieval alchemists show they experimented with sex magic and psychedelic drugs todevelop their psychic powers as well as doing primitive experiments in chemistry.Much of this research did not involve scientific experimental techniques in the modernsense; but when such methods were employed, they were just as commonly applied tostudying spiritual and psychic phenomena as to studying purely physical phenomena.The Copernican Compromise changed all this. In 1600, the Italian philosopherGiordano Bruno was burned for heresy. It’s widely believed that the reason for hisimmolation was his support of the Copernican theory, but this was not mentioned inthe charges against him. It is true he was a Copernican; but what the Church executedhim for was not his scientific views, but applying empirical methods of research tooccult and religious subjects. He wrote treatises on Hermetic Magic and generalphilosophical works that challenged both the infallibility of the Pope and theomnipotence of God.The persecution of Galileo a couple of decades later is widely regarded today asa victory for science, not for the Church, and this same attitude was expressed bymany intellectuals at the time. The Pope made Galileo recant formally; but thatactually helped popularize his ideas, not suppress them. However, one of the firststeps in making my personal breakthrough was to realize that Galileo’s victory was a
- 56 -hollow one. Galileo was not only one of the founders of modern science because of his contributions to physics and astronomy, he was also one of the instigators of thematerialistic bias that has plagued science ever since.Ironically, his writings about himself show him not as an atheist, but as areasonably devout Catholic who kept his religious life and his scientific lifecompletely separate. He confined his scientific research to studies of physicalphenomena, and his writings recognize Papal Infallibility in matters of religiousdoctrine and practice. The only reason why Galileo refused to back down when PopeUrban objected to his acceptance of the Copernican model of the solar system was thathe felt the Pope was overstepping the bounds of his spiritual authority by gettinginvolved in matters that were purely physical. Galileo never tried to challenge thePope’s right to interpret the Bible on spiritual matters, but felt that he, as a naturalphilosopher, shouldn’t be over-ruled from the Papal Throne on enquiries intophenomena that are physical rather than spiritual.The whole debate over the Copernican Theory hinges on the interpretation of asingle Biblical passage, Joshua 10:13, which describes a miracle by Jehovah in themiddle of a battle: “And the Sun stood still.” Since the time of Saint Augustine, thishad been interpreted by the Catholic Church as proof that the Sun moves around theEarth. Augustine himself had been a bishop in Egypt not long after Ptolemy, anotherEgyptian, had published his astronomy texts endorsing a geocentric model of the SolarSystem.However, it was obvious to Galileo that the original passage in the Bible could just as easily refer to a subjective description of the Sun as to an objective one. Inother words, observers saw the sun appear to stop moving in the sky and simply said,“The Sun stood still.” This effect could just as easily happen because a spinning Earthstopped as because a moving Sun stopped. Above all, he never argued that thepassage was false because it involved a miracle. Miracles were part of thesupernatural, and not the business of a natural philosopher.All Galileo asserted was that careful observations of the apparent motions of theplanets among the fixed stars provide evidence that the Sun, not the Earth, is the pointaround which they revolve. On the surface, Pope Urban won the debate by forcingGalileo to recant publicly, sentencing him to perpetual house arrest, and forbiddinghim to publish any more scientific books.In reality, Galileo, who was an old man at the time and died a few years later,simply went home to his comfortable suburban estate and continued his research andwriting. His next book was smuggled out of Italy by French diplomats and publishedin Holland, and the opinion of intellectuals all over Europe was in his favor.
Star Seekers
states that Pope Urban was afraid to execute Galileo, as his predecessor hadBruno, because he knew that such an outrage would seriously damage his reputationand undermine his power.I think Wilson missed a more important point here. Pope Urban could probablyhave had Galileo closely watched and prevented him from publishing any more bookswithout suffering serious political harm. He’d already withstood the opposition raisedby passing the sentence, and the public outcry over enforcing it would probably have
- 57 -been weaker, provided that Galileo was not harmed physically. The fact that the Popedidn’t carry through and effectively silence Galileo is evidence he didn’t consider thedebate over the Copernican theory important in itself. He was punishing Galileo foropenly challenging his political and spiritual authority, not for doing scientificresearch.The Pope was sending a very clear message to all of the early scientists withoutsaying it in so many words: “If you confine your scientific research to the physicalworld, the Church will leave you alone.” The earlier immolation of Bruno had alreadysent the negative half of this message: “Scientists who do research into the nature of psychic phenomena or publish theories that challenge the official position of theChurch on cosmological matters will be severely punished.”I call this unspoken, unwritten agreement “The Copernican Compromise,” andbelieve it’s the origin of the whole materialistic bias in Western science. TheCopernican Compromise was never openly discussed by either the scientists or theCatholic hierarchy, and it is likely that both sides simply drifted into it without beingconsciously aware that the Church was still actively persecuting scientific occultistswhile becoming increasingly tolerant towards scientists who avoided research intopsychic and spiritual phenomena, especially those who claimed such research wasimpossible. Even though their motivations were mostly subconscious, more and morescientists adopted a materialistic bias during the 16th and 17th centuries; and if theyalso were involved in occultism or other spiritual research, they hid their activities insecret societies.If there were only this one example of the Copernican Compromise, theanomalies might be explained by personality differences involving the two Popes andthe two scientists, but I’m talking in more general terms here. The CopernicanCompromise came about because of an unspoken attitude on the part of many Catholicleaders over a long period of time, interacting with hundreds of different scientists andphilosophers.One of the last books I read before I started making the breakthrough wasJeffrey Goodman’s
The Genesis Mystery
, published early in 1983. It’s fitting that myold conception of spiritual reality should be brought to the breaking point by the work of a scientist who has been virtually ostracized by the academic community forblatantly breaking the Copernican Compromise. Goodman has impressive formalcredentials as an anthropologist, and has published three reasonably popular books:
 American Genesis
The Genesis Mystery
(1983), and
We Are the EarthquakeGeneration
(1983). His scholarship seems perfectly sound, but his books have mostlybeen ignored or dismissed as pseudo science by other professionals in his fieldbecause he includes psychic powers, reincarnation, and disembodied spiritual beingsin some of his scientific hypotheses. This might be too far out for the scientificestablishment, but it was exactly the push I needed to make my breakthrough.
The Genesis Mystery
points out that the evolutionary theory commonly called“Darwinism” is not rigorously scientific, nor has it ever been accepted by the majorityof the experts in the pertinent fields or by most of the general public. Instead, it’salways been a propaganda weapon for atheists and materialists to use against religion
- 58 -and other belief-systems that teach that spiritual agencies were involved in the creationof human and other life on Earth.Goodman shows that Alfred Russel Wallace, co-author of 
The Origin of Species
 along with Charles Darwin (and believed by many scientific historians to beresponsible for most of the theories presented in the book), was never a true“Darwinist” in the sense of believing that evolutionary process was guided entirely bya series of accidents. Wallace called himself a practicing Christian, though his beliefsseem to have been what we would call “Liberal Christianity” today. He was also oneof the scientists who investigated the nineteenth-century Spiritualist movement anddecided there was empirical evidence that the spirits of the dead really do sometimescommunicate with the living. Even though he contributed at least as much as Darwinhimself to the basic Darwinian Theory of Evolution, Wallace’s personal opinions onthe matter were that spiritual forces were involved along with the random mutationand natural selection described in the theory itself.Goodman, like Wallace before him, calls this concept “Interventionism.”Interventionists believe that, although random mutations account for mostevolutionary change, some parts of the evolutionary process – especially the creationof human beings out of pre-human stock – were directed by a conscious outsideagency. Wallace called this agency “God,” and so do many liberal Christians today,but occultists and New-Agers talk about “spirits” and “cosmic intelligences.”The majority of people in the modern Western world who aren’t strictmaterialists have traditionally taken a similar view of evolution, and this groupincludes scientists as well as non-scientists. Most American Christians, except for thestaunch Fundamentalists, see no real conflict between their religious cosmology andthe scientific theory of evolution. They simply say that the evolutionary process wasthe means their God used to create people and other species of animals and plants, andthat the materialistic Darwinists are wrong only in asserting that the process is randomrather than guided by an outside intelligence.
The Genesis Mystery
also points out that there is considerable evidence tocontradict the Darwinian claim that the creation and evolution of life on this planetcould have happened by pure chance. Whenever statisticians try to calculate themathematical probabilities involved, the figures look very negative. Evolution bychance simply appears too improbable to have happened during the time period thegeological and paleontological evidence marks out. All the materialists can say is,“Well, life exists and had to come from somewhere, so the low probabilities forrandom evolution have to be in error. They’re sure to increase as more informationbecomes available.”However, as new information is discovered in every scientific field related toevolution – biochemistry, genetics, paleontology, etc. – the evidence againsttraditional, materialistic Darwinism gets stronger, not weaker. This is especially trueof the appearance of modern human beings on Earth: recent fossil evidence shows thathuman beings may have evolved almost simultaneously from different pre-humanspecies in different parts of the world. The probabilities of that happening by chance
- 59 -are almost zero, yet the paleontological evidence showing that it did happen growsstronger every year.Most of 
The Genesis Mystery
is devoted to a detailed presentation of thematerial sketched out above: Goodman’s own conclusions about InterventionistEvolution are confined to a few pages at the end. He mentions three possible sourcesfor this intervention: “God,” “spacemen,” and “hitch-hiking spirits.” I was alreadyfamiliar with everything Goodman had to say about the first two concepts, but I foundthe third original and extremely thought provoking.Here is Goodman’s “hitch-hiking spirits” hypothesis in his own words:“Finally, some take the intervenors to have been spirits from other realities visitingearth to experience its unique properties. As this theory goes, these visiting spiritshitched a ride within existing hominids to enjoy the physical pleasures of wine,women, and song. After many nights of too much reveling, they soon foundthemselves stuck within their physical vehicles. The only release was through death,but once addicted, many insisted on returning through reincarnation for just one, andthen another, and yet another ride. Realizing that there was no way out of this viciouscircle, some of the spirits set to work altering their hominid hosts to create betterphysical vehicles through which they could eventually escape the seductive pull of earthly pursuits. This may explain why modern man with all his advantages stillseems torn between the two realities.”The concept that certain human souls are not native to Earth, that they came here fromanother world or plane of existence, is mentioned in many different religiousmythologies and occult theories, though most of the references are cryptic and hard tounderstand. Authors seem reluctant to discuss such a wild idea openly, but I’vealways found it plausible because of my past-life memories and numerous telepathiccontacts with spirits who say that they were extraterrestrials in former lives.Reading Goodman’s speculations about “hitch-hiking spirits” was one of theprincipal factors that helped me start making my personal breakthrough about thenature of spiritual reality. When he said in so many words that the first human soulsmight have come to Earth from elsewhere, started incarnating in pre-human bodies,and assisted in the creation of the human race as a fully intelligent species, myimmediate reaction was to say, “Yes. This is one of the answers I’ve been looking forall my life.”This was a purely instinctive reaction. The idea just seemed true and obviouswhen I read it at that particular time in my life. However, when I began thinkinganalytically about the subject, I realized that modern occult and psychic researchprovides a lot more evidence to support Goodman’s speculations than he presents inhis book. The idea that spirits could cause genetic mutations in pre-humans thatwould help them evolve into true human beings is not nearly as implausible as itappears on the surface. During the last thirty years, many different occultists andparapsychologists have speculated that human beings might be able to manipulategenetic material psychokinetically at the sub-molecular level.For example, this hypothesis has been in use for a number of years to explainthose cases of psychic healing that involve regeneration of tissue and conversion of 
- 60 -cancerous tissue back to normality. Enough cases of this type of psychic healing havebeen documented by medical experts to serve as proof beyond reasonable doubt forme and many other people. The idea that the mechanism involved in psychic healingmight be psychokinetic manipulation of the DNA had occurred tome long before, andI tended to accept it even though I couldn’t think of a way to prove it with evidence.It is very easy to extend this concept to include genetic engineering by psychicmeans. If the DNA of cancerous cells can be manipulated by psychokinesis to turnthem back into normal cells, then there is no reason why something similar can’t bedone to germ cells to produce controlled mutations in the organism’s offspring. Howpeople could do this without being consciously aware of it was not yet clear to me; butI had no doubt that psychic healing occurs, and I was aware that there is also evidencefrom other sources that psychic genetic manipulation exists.There is evidence that domestic plants and animals undergo genetic mutationmuch more rapidly than wild stock, and that many of the new forms are those desiredby the people who raise them. Materialistic scientists don’t want to speculate aboutwhy this is true, but their own literature makes it quite clear that it is. They keep onsaying that the genetic diversity in domestic plants and animals was already present inthe ancestral stock, and that all present forms were produced by selective breeding tobring out desired traits, or by hybridization between different species. They insist thatactual mutations in domestic plants and animals are extremely rare and due to purechance, but they also record the data to disprove this conclusion.Just as there are major genetic differences between human beings and the mostclosely related lower primates, so also many common domestic plants are far differentfrom their closest wild relatives. Some geneticists have admitted that thechromosome-structures of cotton, corn, and a number of other domestic plants have anartificial look to them, as if these important food crops had been created out of thewild stock by modern gene-splicing techniques.When UFO investigators asserted that this is evidence that ancient astronautsvisited Earth, these same scientists answered with a theory that’s actually no moreprobable. They postulated that this gene-splicing might have been caused whengenetic material was transferred from one organism to another by viruses. Now,evidence has recently been discovered to support this idea on the mechanistic level,but the theory still doesn’t explain why a useless weed would turn into a corn plantuseful for human food. Natural selection doesn’t account for it, because domestic cornisn’t even viable in the wild state: even the most primitive forms cultivated by theAmerindians have to be pollinated by hand.My conclusion was that psychokinetic genetic manipulation might account forthese and numerous other bodies of observed data that defy explanation by thematerialistic scientists. For example, it might explain why the gene pool of thedomestic dog is much more diverse than that of the timber wolf, which is assumed tobe its wild ancestor. Does a wolf, with its two-inch erect ears, carry the genes for thesix-inch drooping ears of a hound dog? Geneticists say it does, but they can’t offerproof. Personally, I think a mutation was involved.
- 61 -In fact, I think mutations caused by psychokinetic genetic manipulation haveoccurred on a large scale right in my own lifetime. They involve domestic animalswith short life cycles: cats, rats, mice, hamsters, rabbits, and many different species of birds. These species produce many generations of offspring in a comparatively shortperiod of time, and can be observed changing quite radically. The hairless cats nowappearing in cat shows are an example. So are flop-eared rabbits and common rats insizes and colors never observed in the wild. Again the geneticists say the potential toproduce all these new forms was present in the original stock, and again I doubt it verystrongly.Literally thousands of new varieties of vegetables, grains, flowers, trees, andother plants are developed in nurseries every year, and hundreds are put on the market.Many of these are so different from typical plants of their particular species that if botanists found them in the wild, they would be classified as new species. However,when the same botanists know that such plants were bred under cultivation fromfamiliar stock, they insist that no genetic mutation was involved.It was extrapolating from the ideas in the Wilson and Goodman books thatbrought me to the “Breaking point” in my understanding of spiritual reality. I startedmaking the actual breakthrough by going into mediumistic trances and asking myspirit guides to clarify the half-formed ideas I’d been speculating about: themotivations behind the Copernican Compromise, the full story behind Goodman’sInterventionist theory of evolution, etc.It quickly became obvious that the spirit-dictated answers I was receiving werepart of a coherent whole of amazing complexity; but I had no idea at the start just howlong it would take to receive the information, or just how controversial it would be.Actually, I’m sure I still haven’t received all of it, but Parts Two and Three of 
War in Heaven
describe what I’ve learned so far.
- 62 -
Chapter 9: The Breakthrough
 Most of my writing in Part One has described intellectual research: how I readthis and studied that, and how the conclusions I drew from what I learned affected myunderstanding of spiritual reality. If you read between the lines, you can also perceivethe influence of the Invisible College guiding my working hypotheses along certainlines and leading me in directions my conscious will would never take because of prejudices and preconceptions.However, the most important single factor that helped me to make thebreakthrough in consciousness that led to the writing of 
War in Heaven
has receivedlittle direct mention in the pages you’ve read so far, because it’s very difficult todescribe in words. This is my development as a psychic and my relationship with myspirit guides.Before I could write this book, I had to undergo years of hard work and personalordeals to develop my psychic skills. The final phase of my preparation for thebreakthrough began in 1982, when I started fighting major psychic battles with thespiritual beings I now call “Theocrats.” At the time, I had no idea what I was fighting:my spirit guides just told me to go to certain places and perform specific acts of ritualmagic which would prepare me to take another step forward in my personal psychicdevelopment.I’d undergone similar ordeals once or twice a year since the early Sixties, butthis time the series of psychic battles lasted almost six months and brought me to thebrink of insanity many times. When the psychic battles with external spiritual forcesstopped for a while in the fall of 1982, I was severely shaken and burned out, and Irested for a few months.In late March of 1983, my spirit guides told me it was time to take the next stepin my development as a psychic. I started working sex and ritual magic for hoursevery day, grateful that the goal was personal development, not battles with evilspirits. Within a couple of months I had forged a much stronger magical workingrelationship with my spirit guides, which allowed me to receive channeled messagesmore clearly than ever before. I also resumed my intellectual research into the natureof spiritual reality, and by July started to make a major breakthrough in consciousness.One of the first things the Invisible College told me when I started receiving theirmessages was that I should write a book based on this material. I started a first draftalmost immediately, and worked on it whenever I wasn’t in trance getting moreinformation.Two years later, I had completed five different typewritten versions of the book,each about 100,000 words long. Each was essentially a new first draft rather than aclose rewrite of the previous one, because of the large amounts of new material I wasconstantly receiving from the spirits. All these drafts were chaotically organized andvery difficult to read. The text itself was a mixture of spirit-dictated passages andmaterial I wrote in a normal state of consciousness to elaborate the spirit-dictationwith background information and supportive evidence.
- 63 -My worst problem at this time was the poor literary quality of the material that Ihad received by automatic writing. Much of it resembled an over-literal translationinto English from a foreign language with a very different syntax. I was amazed athow sophisticated and explicit the raw information was, but I had to rewrite eachpassage extensively to make it comprehensible to others.In the fall of 1985, I started a sixth draft, which wasn’t intended to include muchnew spirit-dictated material. Instead, I tried to extract all the valuable informationfrom the previous drafts and reorganize it into a coherent book. The general plan of organization was the same as the one in this book: Part One described the evolution of my own spiritual knowledge during the years preceding the breakthrough, andprovided the reader with background information to make the spirit-dictated materialin the rest of the book easier to understand.By June of 1986, I’d completed Part One in roughly the same form as theversion you’ve just read, using a personal computer I’d just acquired. At that time, myspirit guides said they didn’t want me to rewrite Part Two by extracting the essentialelements of spirit-dictated information from the earlier versions and putting it into myown words. Instead, they wanted to dictate the whole thing again, from beginning toend.This time, the material I received by automatic writing came through inreasonably good English: working directly on a computer keyboard seemed to bring inthe telepathic signals much more clearly than working on a typewriter. I recorded thechanneled messages as a dialog with my spirit guides, but this format is slightlydeceptive: the spirits actually telepathically dictated virtually every word of both thequestions and the answers. Trance work of this type is grueling labor, and it took untilNovember 1986 to complete Part Two. I spent the next few months revising andpolishing what I’d written up to that point.On January 23rd, 1987, I received an extremely coherent piece of spirit dictationthat I used as the Foreword when I published the book under the title of 
Spiritual Revolution
a couple of months later. My spirit guides have since dictated a slightlydifferent version of this, which I insert here:This is a message to the people of Earth, from spirits nowresiding on your astral plane. We have spent our past lives on worldswith technological civilizations much more advanced than yours.Hundreds of thousands of us have been sent here deliberately by ourgovernments to assist you in fighting a war to liberate yourselves fromTheocracy, a form of oppression and exploitation that has existedthroughout your history.When we are on Earth’s astral plane, we work with a politicalorganization of spirits that some of your occult literature calls theInvisible College. After spending a few years as disembodied spirits,we are forced to incarnate on your planet and lose most of thememories we brought with us.
- 64 -Most of us retain some vestigial memories of our past lives onother worlds through our first few physical lives on Earth, but thesememories are gradually lost through repeated reincarnations. Ourincarnated agents, and many native Earth people as well, can learn tocommunicate with us telepathically on a completely conscious level if they receive proper psychic training. And any human being can receivetelepathic messages from us subconsciously.We want to state right at the beginning that we are ordinarypeople, not fundamentally different from you. Some of us have livedon other worlds in bodies much like your own, others in bodies thatwould appear very alien in external appearance, though based on thesame basic genetic code. In all cases, our souls are capable of incarnating in human bodies; we couldn’t survive here for long if theyweren’t.We are not innately superior to Earth people in intelligence,morality, or any other quality. However, our knowledge and behaviormay give this illusion because they were learned in cultures that are farsuperior to yours.Some of us who come to your planet possess advancedknowledge in many different fields: ethics, politics, and economics, aswell as natural science and physical technology. We also havescientific knowledge about those aspects of the universe you call“spiritual” and “psychic.”These phenomena are no more “supernatural” than the purelyphysical phenomena your scientists are beginning to understand quitewell. The civilizations we come from know as much or more about thecomposition and behavior of the soul and other spiritual phenomena asyou know about the atomic theory that forms the basis for yoursciences of physics and chemistry.Advanced societies generate psychic energy mechanically as yougenerate various forms of electromagnetic energy, and can producechanges in “astral matter” as you can produce physical and chemicalchanges in ordinary matter. This technology was used to send us here;but we come only as disembodied spirits, and are not able to bring withus any of the physical equipment we normally use to generate andcontrol psychic energy or shape astral matter.When your civilization first started to develop rapidly toward ahigh level of physical technology, we came to a political decision tointervene, for our sake as well as yours. This happened back in the lateMedieval Era, and there has been an Invisible College manipulating thedevelopment of human civilization on Earth ever since, operating underour leadership and guidance.
- 65 -Our motives in doing this are both altruistic and selfish. If wehad not intervened, the human race on Earth would have evolved indirections that posed a serious threat to our own worlds and spacecolonies. So we are fighting a “preventive war” in our own behalf, butwe also feel the overwhelming majority of Earth people will supportour cause once we are able to explain the situation fully.Until the last few decades, we have been fighting the Theocratsmostly by indirect means, using our superior social and politicalknowledge to raise the level of civilization on Earth in constructiveways. Practically everything that’s commonly considered good aboutmodern Western civilization is the product of our clandestinemanipulations.How do we operate? Mostly by influencing the subconsciousminds of Earth people telepathically. We also work through peoplewith conscious control of their telepathic powers when we want tocommunicate large amounts of explicit information, but the majority of our work has always been done without the conscious knowledge orconsent of the people involved.Now, it will be very easy for you to say this is unethical. On onelevel, we agree. On another, well, we are the ones who taught youphilosophical concepts like “The greatest good for the greatestnumber,” and “The end often justifies the means.” We’re at war here,and we’re fighting on your behalf as well as our own.Concepts such as “human dignity and rights,” ”individualsovereignty,” “social justice,” “the consent of the governed,” and“equality of opportunity” aren’t just philosophical abstractions to us:we come from civilizations that actually practice them. We have nochoice, because we possess a physical and psychic technology thatwould totally eliminate individuality if we didn’t alsohave sufficient social, political, and ethical knowledge to keep thetechnology under controlOur societies are forced to live with this threat, as yours must presently live with thethreat of nuclear war; and as your own technological level increases, you will have tolearn to live with it, too. However, this is not the greatest danger you face in the nextfew decades. Theocracy and your exploding population are going to cause a spiritualcataclysm that will destroy the human race as it now exists and threaten our owncivilizations if it goes unchecked.We will probably be able to avert catastrophe andguide these upheavals in constructive directions, but the fate of manyEarth people will still depend on their own actions. These messagesabout the War in Heaven are intended to help you prepare yourselves.First we will give you the basic facts about Theocracy, then wewill describe the spiritual upheavals to come.
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